Thursday, December 21, 2006

The new way forward. Way, way, way, way, way, way forward.

If you haven’t yet figured out that BushCo is rejecting the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group, you have only to check out the alternative plan posted at the American Enterprise Institute’s website. Bush said in his press conference yesterday that he hasn’t finished deciding what he’s going to do yet in his “new way forward,” but you can bet he’s going to use this tired “new” idea of the “troop surge” (thanks for pushing it, John “maverick” McCain! Good to see that your head isn’t still firmly planted inside Bush’s asshole at all!) and all the other neocon reshufflings as an excuse to put together a way forward that really isn’t a way forward at all, but a way to keep us in Iraq until Bush is out of office. Because as long as he keeps fighting this awful losing battle, he won’t have lost this war, his successor will.

For a much better analysis of Bush’s dilemma of the ego, see Sidney Blumenthal’s essay in Salon today (reg. required for free day pass):

The opening section of the ISG report is a lengthy analysis of the dire situation in Iraq. But Bush has frantically brushed that analysis away just as he has rejected every objective assessment that had reached him before. He has assimilated no analysis whatsoever of what's gone wrong. For him, there's no past, especially his own. There's only the present. The war is detached from strategic purposes, the history of Iraq and the region, and political and social dynamics, and instead is grasped as a test of character. Ultimately, what's at stake is his willpower.

Repudiated in the midterm elections, Bush has elevated himself above politics, and repeatedly says, "I am the commander in chief." With the crash of Rove's game plan for using his presidency as an instrument to leverage a permanent Republican majority, Bush is abandoning the role of political leader. He can't disengage militarily from Iraq because that would abolish his identity as a military leader, his default identity and now his only one.
If you still doubt that Iraq has become all about him, check out this response at his press conference yesterday when a reporter, after remarking that people commonly assert that 43 will only be remembered for Iraq, asked the president what he will do with the last quarter of his presidency to expand his record:
“And you're talking about legacy. Here, I -- I know -- look, everybody's trying to write the history of this administration even before it's over. I'm reading about George Washington still. My attitude is if they're still analyzing number one, 43 ought not to worry about it, and just do what he think is right, and make the tough choices necessary. We're in the beginning stages of an ideological struggle. It's going to last a while. And I want to make sure this country is engaged in a positive and constructive way to secure the future for our children. And it's going to be a tough battle.”

(Bush then mentions Medicare reform and No Child Left Behind, and asserts that he’s cut the deficit while lowering taxes – yeah, I know – but let’s stay on point.)
“So there's been a lot of accomplishments. But the true history of any administration is not going to be written until long after the person is gone. And it's just impossible for short-term history to accurately reflect what has taken place. Most historians, you know, probably had a political preference. And so their view isn't exactly objective -- most short-term historians. And it's going to take awhile for people to analyze mine, or any other of my predecessors', until down the road, when they're able to take -- you know, watch the long march of history and determine whether or not the decisions made during the eight years I was president have affected history in a positive way.”
Get it? He doesn’t have to listen to any criticism while he’s alive, even. Because we don’t understand him. No one can. Because our minds are too firmly rooted in the horror of the present, and “short-term” historians are all against him. According to him, it’s going to take many, many years before history will gain the kind of hindsight that can judge the brilliance of his deeds.

But what I really want to know is, if Bush is a genius in some far off, distant future, can we just bury him in some kind of time capsule and send him there? You know, stick him in a box with an iPod, a McRib sandwich, some hair extensions and a copy of Maxim, and let some future society figure that shit out?


RandyLuvsPaiste said...

"and asserts that he’s cut the deficit while lowering taxes"

Damn, does he really believe that?

vikkitikkitavi said...

"We have proven that you can keep taxes low, achieve other objectives and cut the deficit."

Translation: The deficit would've been higher if we hadn't cut all those educational, law enforcement, and social programs. Low taxes is the only school, law and social program you need, heh heh.

RandyLuvsPaiste said...

I mean, didn't Clinton leave office with a budget surplus?

The only deficit he "cut" was the one he created in the first place.

Johnny Yen said...

Clinton left office with a surplus so huge that people didn't think we could spend it in 20 or 30 years. No problem-- put a borderline retard surrounded by sociopathic kleptomaniacs in the President's chair, and we can knock it off in less than a decade.

His Iraq "solution" sounds suspiciously like Tricky Dick's 1968 "solution" to end the Vietnam War-- it was a secret, and you had to elect him to find it out.

It's funny how these people keep forgetting that we initally armed and trained the Islamic fundamentalists to fight the Soviet Union.

Anonymous said...

I must admit that I thought that after the electorate repudiated his direction in Iraq that 43 would try to save his legacy by following adapting some aspects of the bipartisan Baker report. I failed to fully comprehend the degree that 43 will go to show he no longer needs to be rescued by dad and his henchmen after once again failing at a project. If you can accept Freud's castation anxiety, historians will finally uncover the basis of 43's decisions.

There have been a few really bad presidents in our history, but given the the consequences that remain behind due to ineptitude, choosing poor advisors, and choosing simplistic solutions to complex problems, 43 will go down as the worst president ever. At least I hope there is not someone out there who would do a worse job.

From "we are winning" to "we are not winning and we are not losing" are empty words. Its not our civil war. The winners or losers are the Iraqis.

Bush is drawing to an inside straight with a 4 flush showing and 3 down cards. Its time to fold 'em and deal with the future consequences the best we can.

vikkitikkitavi said...

Randy: You say that like it's not a completely valid political accomplishment to correct 1/1000 of the problem you created and claim victory.

JohnnyY: You're exactly right about Nixon, the king of rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

Dad: I like your analysis, ranging from Freud to Kenny Rogers the way that it does. And yes, I am damn sure that history will not be kind to 43.

Johnny Yen said...

Well, Bob Woodward's certainly going to miss him. He's gotten three books out of him. I think that's more than he wrote on Nixon.