Does anyone remember the old short story, “The Monkey’s Paw,” in which the holder of a magical talisman is granted three wishes, but because of a curse from a dead Indian fakir, the wishes are granted in the worst possible way?*
For example, in the story, the couple who held the monkey’s paw wished for two hundred pounds, and they received it – but as compensation for the death of their son who was horribly mangled at work in an industrial accident immediately after the wish was made.
I don’t know about you, dear readers, but since November 4, 2008, I have been living the curse of the monkey’s paw.
First of all, I wished for a fairly elected president, the first fairly elected president in eight years, if you ask me. And we got one. Oh, we got one, all right. The only problem is that, during the W years, people who spoke of Bush’s illegitimacy were told that they were “Sore Loserman,” and to get over it and move on. Yes, we were told by the media that it didn’t matter who really got the most votes or what either side did and whether it was legal, because the Supreme Court had crowned Prince Bush and why the fuck are you nitpicky Democrats still harping on this anyways? But now, now, NOW those same Republicans are entertaining/agreeing with/refusing to denounce loonies who have taken the most enraged and unhinged ramblings ever made against W as some kind of motherfucking dare. It’s as if they took the craziest theories the left had to offer, and multiplied them by an order of magnitude and spewed out this fucking batshit crazy bitch:
This crazy-ass bitch is interviewed on television news shows, people. And every couple of months, she reaches into her big quilted bag of insanity and pulls out another fucking document that some ignorant hillbilly who didn’t bother to look up what fucking country Mombasa was in, in 1961 created at his local combination Kinkos/Pizza Hut/Militia Supply Superstore and starts waving it around like it’s some kind of lost version of the Constitution in which our forefathers finally had the foresight to include “Oh, and by the way, no negroes allowed.”
Which brings me to my next wish, which was for the citizens of this country to finally break the monopoly that old white dudes have had on the highest office in the land.
That one was granted as well, but it wasn’t long before the cruel twist of its granting was revealed: The man who broke the monopoly, a half white, half African man who grew up in a white family in America and married into an African-American family, is destined to spend his time in office answering to repeated charges that he is a racist. (Racist against white people, that is, just in case the diversity of his background might lead you to become confused about which part of his family he hates.)
And not only is the man who broke the color barrier accused, time and time again, of racial prejudice, but so is his wife. And his church. And his friends. And his appointees.
Readers, let us ponder for a moment. Let us ponder all the doughy old patriarchal windbags we have elected in the last century, and all the incredible good-ole-boy white power shit that has gone down in the Oval Office and its environs. I mean, wow. Remember Reagan’s support of apartheid? And all that coded “states’ rights” crap? Remember W courting Bob Jones University? And when his dad called his half-Latino grandchildren “the little brown ones”? Or, for that matter, when his mother said that Katrina victims living in the Astrodome were lucky to have the upgrade from their regular living conditions, and that it was “scary” that they might all stay in
When you think about it, it’s quite a feat that the first black president would be the one whose administration ends up being perceived by many as one peopled almost entirely by racists. It’s such an incredible feat of balls-out stupefying chutzpah that it could only be the work of the curse.
My third wish, if you haven’t figured it out already, was for health care reform. And, true to the nature of my little simian talisman, our president’s efforts to save the lives of Americans have been significantly stymied by charges that – natch – he is trying to kill Americans. Another goal of the reform is to decrease a rapidly expanding deficit, fueled by the cost of health care and health insurance. Of course, the effort to squash health care reform also charges – say it with me – that reform will only expand the deficit. And in the end, it matters not that our president is trying to save government-run health care programs like Medicare and Medicaid, because those who shout him down are convinced that he is trying to destroy government-run health care programs like Medicare and Medicaid, while also simultaneously never realizing that Medicare and Medicaid are government-run.
Whew! Readers, I don’t think I can take another 3 and a half years of this.
But the good news is that I am now out of wishes and the monkey’s paw can no longer wield its awful power. I only hope that the next person who gets a hold of it is not a Democrat. Otherwise Rush Limbaugh will indeed be found murdered – but Al Franken will be arrested for the crime.
*Yes, it was also made into a “Simpsons” episode, okay? In case you haven’t noticed yet, everything has been made into a “Simpsons” episode.
This is chock full of goodness Vikki, well done. Can you imagine the right wingnuts and the stink that would have come up if Bush was called a liar in a presidential address? Darth Cheney would have come out of his high horse seat and shot them with his gun.
I share your anger and frustration. Trust me, I do.
But I'm certain - entirely so - that Orly Taitz is the work of Andy Kaufman or Sacha Baron Cohen because she's far too ridiculous to be real.
I forgot all about the Monkey's Paw (I gave up on the Simpson's a long time ago), but that's exactly how I feel about this craziness too.
I actually thought once we got Bush and the repubs out of power, there would be a vast improvement in the political discourse. I was so naive. It's like fucking bizarro-world.
Brilliant as always, Ms. Tavi.
When I was a teacher, and I had to punish the worst, nastiest, lyingest kid in the class, he or she would throw a temper tantrum, and inevitably his mother would come to school accusing me of all kinds of things. I would always make sure the principal was there, and she and I would listen, look concerned, nod our heads, and then send her on her way, and not do a fucking thing. It's rough for some people when the adults take over.
Vikki, your 2009 Bells On has been fucking Spot on all year! And this one really should be printed in the Sunday newspapers across the country.
To highlight:
"The man who broke the monopoly, a half white, half African man who grew up in a white family in America and married into an African-American family, is destined to spend his time in office answering to repeated charges that he is a racist. (Racist against white people, that is, just in case the diversity of his background might lead you to become confused about which part of his family he hates.)"
BOOM! AMEN! and:
"When you think about it, it’s quite a feat that the first black president would be the one whose administration ends up being perceived by many as one peopled almost entirely by racists. It’s such an incredible feat of balls-out stupefying chutzpah..."
Just brilliant Vikki! Thank you.
The heckling thing has just made me crazy, almost as crazy as the insanity over the speech he gave to the kids at schools. If he were (all) white none of this would happen, and it sickens me. The disprespect for the President that is being displayed is a bold display of racism. I was so frustrated by the 'you lie' crap that I jumped online and donated to the Wilson's opponent in SC! grrrrr!
This is great! Now, we just need to Bill O'Reilly to play the starring role in The Lottery.
haha. Baron said "The Lottery." God, how I love Norton Anthology references in a post about freaky monkey paw justice tales. And how I loved this post. I've read it 5 times already. Ba-dow.
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