Happy Holidays to everyone. Peace on earth and all that jazz.
I'll be out for the next week or so. Until then, here are some subjects you can stew over in my absence:
- Rick Warren
- Is the South out to destroy the UAW and steal the American auto industry just like they destroyed the garment workers unions and stole the Northern textile industry?
- BushCo's pardon list. Extra credit: Will Cheney be pardoned preemptively?
Blue Christmas indeed!
Just like the "Thank You, Sarah Palin" spoof video said-
"We're thankful that you were so awful that Indiana and Ohio voted for a Black guy. Seriously, Indiana used to be ground-zero for the KKK. Man, you f*cking suck. Thank you!"
Love the Xmas card, but you'll never top the John & Yoko one from a few years back.
Elvis and Priscilla! Awesome card.
Interesting juxtaposition of the auto and textile industries. Sure, they want to bust the unions, but steal an entire industry? That assumes they're smart enough to plan that far ahead.
You two have a hunk-hunka burnin fun for Christmas, ya hear?
You never looked hotter my dear.
Have a great one! We'll miss you in Chicago this year.
Oh, and I think the Rick Warren thing is a bunch of bullshit. I can't understand the point of promoting his warped ideology and giving it legitimacy.
Have a wonderful Christmas, Vikki!
vikki has left the building
happy holidays
Thanks for the enjoyment of reading your thoughts.
Merry Christmas.
A lot of people commented on your card at our party. A big hit.
Nice work! Enjoy.
Merry Christmas
Yeah, the South totally brought down Detroit, yeah, that's totally it. (I read the Time article this week, too. Had to. I'm edjeecated.) Merry Christmas to you and Spoon'!! much love and alcohol-induced lazy afternoons!
Happy Holidays, you crazy cats!
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