First of all, Oregon? Really?
Secondly, what's with the third spoiler support in the middle? Am I supposed to believe that your spoiler is so massive and important that the normal two spoiler supports were simply insufficient for the majesty of your spoiler?
You know, that shit may fly in Oregon, where people are generally confused (I think maybe by the dampness and the abundance of meth) about what's awesome and what's lame, but this is Los Angeles, and you're driving a Hyundai coupe to the bank. You're not a racecar driver, okay? You're from Oregon. Learn your place.
Judging by all of the dings in the right side, Mr. Rally racer there has been airborne more than once.
Hyundais always have the bitchenest spoilers. (Wow, the plural of Hyundai really looks weird in print.)
Meee-ow. Kitten's got claws baby. Ouch.
It's the spoiler version of "Mine goes to 11!"
A spoiler like this actually can actually create about 100lb's of downforce which can be kind of useful for getting the tires to stick.
I passed a pick up truck with a spoiler this morning. A woman was driving it.
Bubs: Nice link. Spooney and I have long contemplated making stickers for cars that say "you park like ASS."
Maybe his car's dinged up BECAUSE he's frequently over the line. Whenever someone does that to me, I always make sure my car door makes some good contact with their side panel when I get in.
Bro: Your assertion sounds impressive, and yet it's really irrelevant to my point. Nice try, though. You do know you've been doing that since we were kids, right?
It's just that I had my life saved by the additional handling that a spoiler provides, and I enjoy the improved gas mileage that a spoiler yields. I am now on a campaign to make sure that young people use spoilers for a better environment plus they look COOL, I mean where else are you going to put a third brake light?
So are you anti-spoiler or anti-Oregon? I can keep from spreading my spoiler gospel in the rainy state if you feel that they aren't worthy.
Aw crap I am doing it again I will bet.
Bro's doing it AGAIN.
Worst part? I have a spoiler, and I'm nodding my head as I read his points.
I don't even know who I am anymore.
Your a cute white bunny with black spots.
I guarantee you that as you drive the streets and freeways of Los Angeles, there is absolutely ZERO chance that you will need a spoiler. Just like there is zero change that you will need four-wheel drive. Or a Hummer. I am protesting not a stupid piece of fiberglass, but a mindset. Get on board already.
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