It’s a tough world, y’all. Muslims may don blackface to imitate your president. Asians insist on having complicated names. Adorable comic actors are rationalizing date rape.
The press is taunting vegetarians and calling our concerns for the planet pretentious and tiresome, which probably assures us of some kind of Al Gore-type told-you-so status in the coming years, but still.
Plus, it turns out pirates are kinda sympathetic, after all.
And the courageous and outspoken director of LSU’s
A unique symbol of the American Revolution is being co-opted by corporations and the lobbyists and think tanks that shill for them, as citizens born without the sense god gave a goose cheer them on.
Our president struggles well to make himself heard and to be the thing that keeps our bloated and half-drowned asses from going under for the last time. And for his efforts, he is ridiculed by terrible people who seem to have no problem with the fact that they are, or might become, the inspiration for awful, pointless violence.
I love my country dearly, and I am sorely tired of pointing this out to those that believe that they can only gain for themselves at the expense of others. The world is corrupt, foolish, and reckless, and becoming more so every day, it seems. Is it any wonder that at last Friday’s wonderful, amazing, heartbreaking Leonard Cohen concert, the following poem cut through my skin and into my soul like a hot knife through Chinese drywall?
Thank you, Uncle Lenny.
I don't know this poem, or is it a song? Did he recite this? I love it, I love Leonard. I'm sorry I didn't see the show.
I actually found a video of him from the tour reciting this poem, and I'm going to update the post with it. I believe there is also a song version of "A Thousand Kisses Deep."
Yeah, LC is the best. I never thought he'd go back on the road, so seeing him was the chance of a lifetime for me, that's for sure.
It's getting harder and harder to listen to the radio, watch TV, or read newspapers--for all the reasons you state here.
I hate to say it, but I'm kinda selfishly grateful to that guy who stole all of Uncle Lenny's money! It means I got to see him live.
Great post, baby
If you look at that pic in the post real quick - it looks like you made a bazooka out out me & you are going to fire me over your shoulder....Spoonzooka!!
Is Spooney bowing down to you in that photo? If he's not and you want someone to bow down to you, I'll do it. ;0)
this made me tear up
How do you do it every single time? You deserve the break.
Is it wrong that I've never "gotten" Leonard Cohen?
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