He was the quintessential imploding star, yes, although he took that paradigm to a stupefying level. He was incapable of distinguishing reality from the narrative that he paid people to perpetuate. Whatever it was that had scarred him, he was so frightened of it that he retreated from the responsibilities of adulthood entirely, and that's beyond sad. It's sickening.
He was used by everyone around him, from his parents, to his siblings, to his stunt wife Lisa Marie, who I think took off as soon as she figured out she couldn't secure a nice paycheck for Scientology. The failures of those who purported to care about him were colossal.
I find it hard to even be sad for his devoted fans, because they seem so deluded. He wasn't "innocent," he's not "the prince" anymore, and he only seemed to care about his fans to the extent that they reinforced his self-aggrandizing and self-damaging world view.
When I watch one of his old videos, back before he Frankensteined himself, I just feel sad. What a waste of talent. What a waste of a fortune. What a big fucking waste.

It really is tragic. Nobody was going to get him the help he needed.
I see his tragedy as bigger than Marilyn's or Elvis's. He went from a beautiful black man to a grotesque, white woman. Can't help thinking of the Dorian Grey thingy. He was one fucked up dude but the boy could move.
I can always count on you to ably articulate what I'm thinking.
My thoughts exactly.
Such is the way of all people who take themselves way too seriously.
I agree with Lisa-it is a tragedy. The bizarre surgeries, the botched up nose--that's all in a reaction to racism. But the allegations of molestation is what turned me off. That beautiful boy was probably molested by someone and it made him bad IMO.
Yeah. I couldn't have said it better. It's early stuff was great and a lot of fun...but it's been 20+ years since he made a record I wanted to own much less listen to.
FINALLY someone reveals the freakshow for the trainwreck that he was. I got over admiring him right about the time he started to believe his own self-created hype. Lots of people put out a great album and just because his was bought more than any other doesn't negate the fact that he was, as grandma would say, a GOONEYBIRD. Thanks for setting the bar so high that it would be impossible for anyone to screw up their lives more than you did Michael. Thanks for the memories.
The last paragraph sums up exactly how I feel as well Vikki. I said last night how my favorite album was Off the Wall. We lost MJ a long time ago.
My theory: MJ wasn't nearly up to his comeback, so he OD'ed to go out as we want to remember him, and not the washed-up, has-been he'd become. Yes, I'm saying his death was a suicide, at some subconscious level, if not outright. As you correctly stated, it stopped being about the music long ago.
Michael's whole life was a Total Downer. Doesn't anyone remember that Farah, who was worth a thousand of Michael, passed away too? Yet most of the time (99%+) was spent thinking about Michael.
I'll miss Michael like I'd miss my appendix as he represents nothing. On the other hand, I'll miss Farah like I'd miss the Institution of Marriage, as Farah is the Ultimate Expression of the Female Experience.
Thanks, dguzman!
I'm glad it wasn't just me. Let this twice told nightmare be over.
I was more shocked and curious when I found out Billy Mays died.
Yep. I'm with you, Vikki
Sad, but a blessing at the same time.
Yep. I'm with you, Vikki
Sad, but a blessing at the same time.
I miss you Billy Mays! I miss you even more, Farah!
Michael Who?
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