You know, I find it really touching that the Republicans care so much about the stolen election in
I guess they have finally learned their lesson from 2000 - that stolen elections and illegitimate leaders mean dire consequences for the country that allows such crimes to take place. I mean, I'm grateful that they finally have learned, but I just wish they had let us know before BushCo ransacked the fucking country for 8 years, but, you know, whatever. Kudos.
The chicken-hawk pussies that make up the Cheney Nation are alive and well.
Well put. I'll be posting about all this Iranian business tomorrow.
Agreed. Well said, of course!
Looks like their "president" is about as legit as our former "president." Nice to see them embracing Amurkan-style democracy.
Republicans have always cared about stolen elections. In 1948, a certain Senatorial Election in Texas was decided when cattle showed up at the polls and voted. The man who won became President.
In 2000, there was some tinkering with Florida's ballots. There were attempts to exclude Military Ballots. Acorn was doing their thing. There were voting irregularities in New Mexico, Ohio, Iowa, and especially Missouri. A Senatorial Election was stolen, though the Presidency was not,
You can understand why Republicans get concerned with stolen elections.
The Iranian stolen election has too much riding on it. Even Moderate Democrats like myself get concerned when nutjobs like Khoumeini and Ahmadinijad get their hands on Nukes. While not using Nukes is best, letting nutjobs use Nukes is worst, a prospect so bad that I would rather use the Nukes first.
I am concerned with this Election. The Tree of Liberty, according to Jefferson, is fed by the blood of Patriots and Tyrants. The Tree of Liberty is growing in Iran, and needs the nutrients that only the nutjobs can provide.
Oh, that was so good, now I need a cigarette.
I disagree with that other troll. I think that Obama has craftily cobbled a plan to take out Iran AND the problem of Global Warming. The wisdom of his plan may take a year or two to see, but here's what's coming down the pike.
Iran WILL develop their H-Bomb, but it will never be used on the United States. Iran's next step is to secure Pakistan, which means a Nuclear War with India. We all know what Carl Sagan said about Nuclear Winter, don't we?
Note how slickly Obama solves both problems by doing absolutely nothing! O, if only we could fathom the Great Obama's Wisdom! The WOrld would be a much better place!
O Great Vicki:
When will the Lord Obama end this already interminably long Recession? Is Obama Almighty delaying to show the Great Evil that Bush has wroght upon this country by the length of delay of dispensing with this Great National Catastrophe?
Each Month, the Unemployment Rate increases at least a tenth of a percent. Obama has vowed that if Legislation is not passed to propitiate HIM, that Unemployment will rise to above 9%. Unemployment is now above 9.2%. Is the Lord Obama testing the Faith of HIS subjects?
Why doesn't the Lord Obama make haste to deliver us? Is HE trying to also send Bush and the Evil Republicans live to the Infernal Regions as part of HIS Elaborate Miracle? Does the performing of this Miracle get in the way of HIS timetable, possibly disruption of the timing of the Lord Obama's Live Ascencion to Heaven?
Pray! Make Haste, Lord Obama, to deliver us!
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