What up, Oscars®?
Why so stingy with the suck this year?
Sure there were some hard-core suck-ass moments, and some genuinely asinine ideas (5 past winners, I’m looking at you!) but overall, a solid meh. The opening number was cute. Plus, "Craigslist Dancers"? I have to say it was funny. It’s as if the Academy Awards®, has figured out, after 81 years, that they’re just a silly awards show, after all, and if they dial down the attitude a little bit, then people are maybe slightly less likely to revel in their mistakes.
Sort of like the
The other major issue with having five past Oscar® winners introduce the nominees in their former categories, aside from wondering why Sophia Loren, the most famous Italian actress in, like, ever, can’t get a stylist, and always shows up to these things looking like some cheap china figurine your grandma keeps on her dresser...
...aside from that, my issue with it is that who wants to see 5 legendary actors read their lines off a cue card like someone just grabbed them off the street five minutes ago, and with less feeling than Tom Carvel mustered up for Fudgie the Whale? They’re all actors, so I know they know what a rehearsal is, theoretically, although being film stars they’ve probably never actually been to one. Only DeNiro seemed up to the task, as he, in true goomba form, assumed that only a gay dude plays a gay dude so well, and wondered aloud how Sean Penn managed to get all those straight guy roles for so many years.
So I guess when the show wasn’t busy being the White-People-Accept-Awards-for-Indian-Movie Oscars®, it was busy being the Anti-Prop 8 Oscars®. Winning “Milk” screenwriter Dustin Lance Black, railing against conservative Christians, said that moving from Texas to the west coast, and learning about the story of Harvey Milk, gave him hope that “one day I could fall in love and get married,” and he addressed the LGBT community by saying “no matter what anyone tells you, God does love you…very soon, I promise you, you will have equal rights, federally, across this great nation of ours.”
Nice promise. I’m not sure how he plans on following through with it, but then, maybe these really are the Oscars of Hope® after all!
Sean Penn’s take on the situation was predictably less rosy. In his acceptance speech for Best Actor, he referred to his
I am grateful to him for that. I am also grateful to him for winning, so we would not have to suffer through another Mickey Rourke acceptance speech. Look, Mickey, I love my dogs, too, man. But saying that you would trade your nomination for another two years with a ill-tempered elderly
And speaking of people that shouldn’t have won…Heath Ledger. Look, I appreciate that everyone feels bad that a pretty good actor died. I get it, I really do. But winning for the Joker? Really, Academy? I mean, really? Because if you ask me, it’s not that hard to put in an exciting performance next to a professional sourpuss like Christian Bale. His Batman was so boring he made Val Kilmer look like
“To them, you're just a freak, like me! They need you right now, but when they don't, they'll cast you out, like a leper! You see, their morals, their code, it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. I'll show you.”
The screenwriter should be shot.
And speaking of people who should be shot: Baz Luhrmann.
If we can’t shoot him, can we at least deport him or ban him from making anything that other people have to look at, ever? I mean, “Strictly Ballroom” was charming, if a tad predictable. “Romeo and Juliet” was somewhat interesting but ill-conceived and unevenly executed. And “Moulin Rouge” was just drivel. Pure, sticky, self-indulgent drivel. It was a crappy valentine to a preening actress who frankly does not deserve even such meager tribute as that. “
And now, he’s created this:
If nothing else, I hate him because up until this fiasco, the 81st Oscars® had been one of the few events on television that was completely Beyonce-free. So, thanks for ruining the one thing it had going for it, Baz. Although, it’s almost worth sitting through just to hear Jackman shout “The musical is back!” Because if there ever was a reason for the musical to NOT be back, this is it. Well, that, and Pierce Brosnan in “Mamma Mia!”
Here’s a few other miscellaneous Oscar don’ts:
- Don’t swoop the camera all over the place when I’m trying to watch the parade of dead people.
- Don’t cut to Angelina when Aniston is on stage. Twice. Is this the Oscars®, or TMZ?
- Don’t “explain” how a movie is made as a device for handing out the technical awards. We know what costumes are, assholes.
- Given that he was one of the few bright spots, you’re going to be tempted to let Stiller host the show next year. Don’t.
Here’s a do: Do have Bill Maher host next time. Anyone who can look
*this joke is an homage to a very similar joke in “Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang.”
Do you crave teh meaness? Check out last year's Oscar review.
I was hoping to recover from Daniel Day Lewis this year but didn't quite make it. And speaking of definitions, "chewing the scenery" surely will say, "see Daniel Day Lewis in 'There Will Be Blood'".
Hollywood is sooo predictably sentimental with their awards. How could they possibly resists giving an award to a dead guy, whose performance was truly decent, but not did not elicit the thought of "great acting'.
This thought came to mind when I watched Viola Davis in "Doubt". And while I enjoy Seyma in "Vicki, Christina, Barcelonia" I didn't think her performance was that much of a scretch. Watching Viola in that short powerful role, was the kind that got me in the gut.
What was up with Sophia Loren's hand on the hip position? It was like she had a terrible mishap and super glued it there.
Ben Stiller was the highlight of the evening for me, and that isn't saying much.
I missed the Oscars® again this year, nor have I seen any of these movies. However, thanks to Netflix, I now get all your jokes from last year.
I thought that Hugh Jackman spent every dime of his "sexiest man alive" capital.
I love how we all have different takes on the same show. Rock on girl.
The musical is back? Guess I won't be going back to the movies any time soon.
I think it's cool that they passed off a drag queen as Anjelica Huston.
I have my own "really".
Nobody mentions the Japanese guy who won best Animated Short losing out his speech with "Domo Arigato, Mr. Robot"?
"closing out his speech"
eh. it's the oscars. who really, REALLY cares? we are watching a year-long studio/fancy hollywood agent commercial come to fruition to get their actors who already have 5-picture deals (oh, hello Jessica Biel????) to have some fancy screen time, a future nomination, thus securing their investment. yawn.
on a more shallow--thus more interesting note--i HOPE that when i am 98 years old and in a lude-induced mumble to have my hand super-glued in just such a sassy position as ms. loren. maybe my favorite moment of the whole night. that and shirley maclaine giving anne hathaway something far, far, far better than a sily, phoney, arbitrarily-bestowed trophy.
having said all that--tina fey can do no wrong.
"always shows up to these things looking like some cheap china figurine your grandma keeps on her dresser..."
God that is PRICELESS. You rule!
Also that we would do without your remarkable phrase
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