Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Oh, and I would be excited about Scooter Libby being found guilty...

...except that he'll appeal, which will drag on until Bush pardons him on the way out of office.


RandyLuvsPaiste said...

Why not just eliminate the Presidential pardon? It only gets misused anyway.

Unknown said...

A President pardonning his bag man? No way!

SkylersDad said...

When has a presidential pardon ever been a good thing? Was there an example from back in the 1800's or something?

Some Guy said...

I'm with you guys. What is the purpose of a presidential pardon? It seems like all it is now is a way for the president to reward campaign contributors or staff members that happen to be felons.

bubbles said...

Perhaps the presidential pardon is a sign that one of the founding forefathers of this great country resisted change. The pardon seems very king-like to me.

Johnny Yen said...

I personally want to see the real felon, Cheney, becoming the prom queen in a federal pen.

If anything good comes of this, it's maybe that the flunkeys around these turds see that they'll let them twist in the wind rather than help them out.

Anonymous said...

Shades of Rose Mary Woods, a bungled burglary, and now the possiblity of a presidential pardon. If that happens, we'll have hit the Bush is Nixon trifecta! But wait, firing all those judges was a lot like the Saturday night massacre, so would that make it a quad-fecta?