I am, like just about every other American this time of year, thinking about how thankful I am for various things.
As I was walking by my company’s conference room this morning and looking in the window, I realized that I am thankful that I am not one of those guys who has to sit in a meeting where the Power Point presentation is titled “Gasket Update.”
I am also thankful I am not a member of the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers. Because I don’t know how I could sleep at night, knowing that I am denying the members of the Writer’s Guild from getting even one penny* of the profits that I make on the downloads of programs that they fucking wrote.
I am thankful I am not Hillary Clinton, because if someone were to ask a question about me, in public, and that question was “How can we beat the bitch?”, I would hope that the person on the receiving end of the question, even if he were a Republican, would say, “Hey, that’s not an appropriate way to refer to Bells On blogger Vikkitikkitavi in a public forum,” and not “That’s an excellent question! Ha! Ha! Ha!”
I am also thankful I am not any of the Republican presidential candidates. Because I think it would be very difficult to appeal to both 1) the idiots who still insist that Bush is NOT dangerously incompetent and a criminal worthy of impeachment, and to 2) the other sensible Republicans who are trying to salvage their party from the moral garbage heap. I mean, how do you get BOTH of these groups to vote for you? Besides giving tax cuts to fetuses who make over $200,000 a year, that is.
I am thankful I do not drive a BMW, because, well…those people all seem to be assholes, don’t they?
I am very very thankful that I am not a rape victim in Saudi Arabia. In this country, we’re all too familiar with a legal system that “adds insult to injury,” but there, it’s more like “adding vile and shameful travesty of justice to absolutely crippling physical and emotional trauma.”
I am thankful I am an atheist, because it makes me feel self-reliant in the face of chaos, which, holy shit, prepares you for just about anything life throws at you, including cat-turd-laced dog vomit.
I am equally thankful that I am not an Iraqi citizen, trying to deal with an army of adrenaline-crazed, heavily-armed foreigners who have no idea, and usually about 1 second to decide, whether I am their enemy or their friend.
But I am not only thankful for those things I am not, you know. I am also thankful for those things I do have, including great friends, and family, and the best boyfriend in the world. Also: weekend morning sex, and farmer’s markets, and diner breakfasts, and coffee, and driving north on Highway 1, and sand dollars, and little silver charms, and 3 a.m. Star Trek reruns.
I am thankful my divorce didn’t make me less likely to love Spooney, but more so.
I am even thankful for this here blog, as juvenile and foul-mouthed and opinionated and intolerant as it may seem to be. I do, as you may have guessed by now, have a bit more love for my fellow countrymen than I let on sometimes. Have a good Thanksgiving Day holiday, all you Americans out there, wherever you find yourselves.
*link courtesy of Very Hot Jews
Have a good Thanksgiving yourself. And thanks for all the great reading you've given me for the past year or so.
that was a great way to move into the holiday
and thanks for giving me some of the best reading of the year
have a wonderful holiday viki
I am blessed to have such a wonderful family.
Happy Thankgiving to you too...
Have a happy one and a great, hopefully long, weekend. I am thankful for funny intelligent people in my life out here on the Intertubes.
hey wait a minute... I drive a BMW... (somtimes)
i had this whole sarcastic comment about the saudis doubling the sentences of the 7 men convicted
but i thought it was inappropriate
Bro drives a BMW, Sis hates BMW drivers - Fight! Fight! Fight!
And we in turn are grateful for you and your blog. Rock on Ms Vikki.
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
That picture of you and Spooney is great!
What about those of us that are comfortable in our own skin in spite of , not because of driving a BMW? :P
you're so awesome. great post, as usual.
and again, sorry for your dog vomit experience. blech, that must've sucked so freakin' bad.
Bro: I'm sure you drive your BMW in a totally different way.
I'm thankful you link to me.
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