"And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people toward people who aren't like them, or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."Oh, and how everyone crowed about how ELITIST the comments were, and how OUT OF TOUCH Obama was with the real people, and how INSULTING the mere idea was, that bitterness over economic misfortune might motivate anyone to think in such a way. It was a scandalous, unforgivable SMEAR.
Well, someone forgot to tell this guy:

I guess he doesn't watch Fox News.
I love you
(your mind, at least)
Guy looks like Hal Holbrook. Or is it Kurt Vonnegut?
He shot up a Unitarian church, obviously taking a stand for the Trinity.
First, W is NOT running for re-election. Therefore, the feelings about him produced by the film are meaningless.
Second, there is ZERO chance Oliver Stone is going to create a W character with a positive image.
No doubt Stone will borrow from his JFK film and put in some secret unnamed sources who talk to journalists as a cheap way of introducing and supporting silly assertions about administration activities.
NoS #1: Sorry, dude, but if Stone could make people feel sorry for Nixon, he can make people feel sorry for W. Stone was a Vietnam vet after all, you think he was more likely to give a break to Nixon?
Also, why on earth would he have to make shit up? Isn't the truth bad enough??????
NoS #2: First of all, I'm the only one on my blog allowed to be humorless. Readers must take note of my tone and get a clue. Secondly, I would never call Adkisson a Poster Boy Republican. I would call him that particular brand of liberal hatin' taken to its logical extreme.
I'll bet his neighbors said he was a quiet guy and never bothered anyone.
I don't think that this guy's conservative books turned him into a killer. On Air America yesterday someone was trying to blame Hannity, and BOR for this bum.
Dave: My point is not to blame anyone for making this man crazy. My point is that here you see an extreme manifestation of exactly what Obama was talking about. So can we all just stop pretending it doesn't exist?
Well, I got the point you were making and yes, it definitely exists.
I just got back from a camping trip and I'm catching up on this story...good lord. What do you think the Limbaughs and Hannities of the world would be doing with this if an avowed left wing nutcase went after a conservative Christian church?
And Unitarians? Sheesh...they address their prayers "to whom it may concern". It's hard to find a less offensive bunch of people.
There is truly a sickness sweeping our land.
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