First of all, if you don’t eat deep-fried food really at all, and then in one day you ingest roughly 8 pounds of it, you will be sorry. Very sorry. And so will everyone who has to be in the same room with you for the next 18 hours.

But, on the bright side, I learned that locally-brewed Lug Nut Lager is good for what ails ya.
Ditto pig racing.
Also, there’s not much wrong with bunnies, skinny-ass roosters with crazy feathered feet, Hampshire lambs, goats of any size or shape, and beautiful fawn-colored gentle
And if they want to charge you $5.00 to slide down the 3-story monster slide on a hunk of burlap, it is well worth the price, readers. Well worth the price.
Because Angelinos don’t scare easily. If we did, blah blah blah insert joke about the 405 Freeway. Seriously, if we did, we’d still be locked in our houses. And perhaps this has something to do with the fact that we are overwhelmingly Democratic. Yes, finally scientific, or at the very least, pseudo-scientific research has discovered that contrary to popular belief (but right in line with mine), conservatives are, fundamentally, big ole’ scaredy pants.
But I knew this. And readers, make no mistake, so do the Republicans. Something the Republicans have always realized and exploited is their hunch that about 90% of the decisions that the voting public makes happen at the lizard brain level, and that voters then use their intellect, such as it may be, to justify that choice.
How else do you explain Hillary supporters voting for McCain/Palin? Given the chance to vote for a candidate whose positions are, for all practical purposes, identical to Hillary’s, they instead make vague noises about “not trusting” Obama and pledge their support to a duo that negates Hillary’s entire platform. Frankly, it’s hard to imagine a scenario in which their dislike of Obama can be described as anything other than skin deep.
But this is to be expected in a world where roughly half of us advocate the status quo, no matter how screechingly awful it may be, where half of us believe that a machine hack with a talent for sucking at the government teat is a “reformer,” and where a deregulation groupie, former Keating 5 influence peddler, and lobbyist lover can remake himself as someone who’s going to get tough on Wall Street and change the way government works.
There may be a sucker born every minute, but that sucker ain’t me. When the sign on the fake façade says that the giant steer is “alive”…
I know better. That big boy is long gone, my friends. He may have walked the earth long ago, but his body’s been stuffed full of saw dust, and his feet have been nailed to the plywood floor, and anyone who lays down a buck because they want to believe that he really does exist, deserves to kiss their moola goodbye.
I like your political observations, but I love that fair photo.
It's oh so nifty.
You're like a warm funnel cake sprinkled with powdered sugar, only political.
Pig racing and a photo of you, this post was pure heaven.
Splotchy: Hey, thanks. I snapped a pic of the hot dog stand with the Ferris wheel in the background, and I thought it had kind of a "Nighthawks at the Diner" quality, so I stepped into the shot and got my friend Todd to snap it again.
DGuz: Thanks, but please, don't even say the words "funnel cake." I'm still a little ooky.
DrMVM: Please note that by posting a video of pigs, I am not intimating anything about Governor Palin.
I can smell the fryer fat bubbling...ahhh. Pig races?!
Ok. Sorry about that, I just felt waves of patriotism wash over me after reading your description of the fair, and I had to respond. With my lizard brain, of course.
No monster steer? Another disappointment this late in life.
It has always been my belief that funnel cake can be used as a pre-colonoscopy cleansing treatment...
And that photo of you is wonderful, you look beautiful girl!
I agree, the Republicans are a bunch of scaredy-cats. They prey on fear. Since my in-laws and Mr. Ex (when I actually let him admit it) were right wing freaks I know first hand how deep that lack of courage runs.
Love the fair! Guess what??? I found my first egg in the chicken coop today!! woo hoo! I'm trying to muster the energy to post about it!
The LA County Fair is the entertainment buy of the year! I love it. You got your pigs and other weird livestock, fried Foods of the World, live music (often by great has-beens you've always wanted to see), horse racing, gang stand-offs, and I hope you caught the table-setting competition. If that's not enough, they have a midway with creepy carnies who had too many tattoos before it was hip, and who, if you seem to want it, will crank up the speed of the rides well beyond their rated safety limits. Wahoo!
Whenever I go to the fair, I wear my fake boobs. It helps me blend in.
Your hair looks so cute... fried food and pig racing agrees with you.
Hahaha - great post! Love the oompa loompa comment - and your anger. Also, I love the pig race but how great would it be if they had a guy chasing the pigs with a butcher knife and frying pan? They could use one of the Carnies to do it.
I suspect that if you went to the 1,000s of "Corn Mazes" that crop up this time of year in the Midwest, you'd always insist on turning left.
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