How many times do you have to stick a gun in the face of a woman and threaten to blow her brains out before a jury believes that you stuck a gun in the face of a woman and blew her brains out?
Answer: at least six times.
Because five different women testified at Spector's trial that they had been held hostage by Spector at gunpoint in his home, and threatened with death when they tried to leave, but apparently that information was not particularly damning in the minds of the jury.
An argument they found more compelling, apparently, is that the victim committed suicide. Yeah, it made more sense to them that a beautiful actress would choose to bite it by shooting herself in the face while standing with her purse in her hand next to the front door of a man she had not known before that night.
This argument was made compelling by the defense's assertions that the victim was "depressed."
I know! A forty-year-old non-working actress in Hollywood, depressed? Holy shit! The streets of LA must be literally running with blood! It's a wonder we haven't all been made poor, persecuted, innocent witnesses to actress suicides, just like Phil Spector!
"LA juries suck"
Yeah, Spector, O.J. & Robert Blake can start their own "We got Away with Murder Club"
This post ties in nicely with yesterday's. All those cuts to California's education budget are coming home to roost.
Jesus, did he dig the remains of Johnny Cochrane out of the ground as his attorney? I can't believe this is what the jury believes.
Course, looking at Spector kinda makes me want to off myself also...
I was thinking last night as I heard about the "impasse" that if I woke up one day and discovered I'd been givin' it to THAT, I might put a bullet in my brainpan too. Still--
What's up with the sociopaths getting away with murder? I mean, what does that say about this country?
I am having some trouble comprehending this interpretation of justice...
i could swear the Phil Spector is the mushroom cloud Condi always talks about.....
The jury is hung 5-7 and they are not saying in what direction but it doesn't really matter - what are those 5 or 7 people thinking?!
The 3rd juror asked the judge for more definition of "reasonable doubt" versus "just plain doubt." I mean, Jesus - why can't we convict guilty celebrities in this country? Unfortunately, the only shaking Spector is doing is from his palsy.
I'd like to sick Dominick Dunn on Spector, big time.
It's not just women-- I've read accounts by both the Ramones and Leonard Cohen of Spector waving guns in their faces when they were recording albums with him. The guy's been a loose nut for years.
I still don't understand why he didn't plead Not Guilty by Reason of Giant White Guy Afro? Clearly, the guy has problems.
This country's obsession with sports and celebrities is sickening. The level of ignorance - oy. I have to go calm myself and meditate now.
Jeeze, it's like you people have forgotten that he created the 'Wall of Sound'.
That's got to give him a 'get out of jail free card' for at least one murder, right?
My sympathies. L.A. juries must be like Cook County juries, only worse because they're star-struck and lack the character-building miserable winters that we have.
Oh, admit it: it's largely the stupid, the bored, and the naive that serve on juries. And that's not just because of shirkers; defense lawyers get paid to create favorable juries any way they can.
With a freak like Spector in the mix, you have got to imagine no stunt is too low or too bald to get him off. A guy like Spector will find the worst sort of attorney, the same way some enlist the snakiest realtor they can when it's time to sell.
Still, to be stupid in LA...in a land where a Koon can be excused for what wasn't shown on the video, a Simpson can turn mountains of forensic evidence into nothing more than a civil liability, and a Jackson can somehow turn popular appeal into reasonable doubt for child molestation...well, shit, I can't wait many more brain cells on this surreality.
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