You know, the next time the Lone Star State gets all puffed up about how tough they are, and how no one "messes" with them, and they decide they want to secede from our little pansy-ass nanny-state homo-loving latte-swilling union, can we please JUST LET THEM?
Besides that, it's not even funny, for pete's sake. Who writes their material for them, Carlos Mencia?
And that's from an approved vendor? Nice.
Like Kirby said, what do we get from a non-approved vendor? Andrew Dice Clay?
Christ, that's awful, but not in the least bit surprising. It's gonna git a lot uglier!
If Obama becomes president I think we should call it The Funk House! Clinton should be his running mate…George Clinton, that is!
Mah spellin' may be atroshiz, but my rappin' is feroshiz!
I'm embarrassed to be a Texan.
I like how you worked the Mencia slam in there.
This is so likely to work against them. But, it does show the mind set out there. If Obama was considered to be a white man, the election would be a landslide, but there is this racism mentality that could make it close. I can't imagine how awful I will feel if McCain wins because of it. But there would be a whole lot of shame mixed in.
But I am hope that on the other side many of those who voted for Bush feel enough shame to not want to follow the path we have been in and want to redeem themselves.
CNN just reported that they interviewed the guy that made that button and he said he was just trying to be funny. Then he added that he is probably going to vote for Obama.
So, I'm not racist, I'm just trying to make a buck. I guess that makes it ok to him.
Kirby: I know, makes you wonder what the rogue vendors are selling, Klan robes?
SkyDad: No way man, he's a Jew.
Spooney: Ya think?
aspP: You know, I just don't think Obama's that funky. Have you seen him dance? He was definitely raised by white people.
DGuz: How about "recovering Texan"?
Chris: I know, that's the best part, right?
DadE: Didn't you hear? McCain's a maverick!
Matt: He's not a racist. He's just makes racist crap and sells it to racists. BTW, "I'm probably going to vote for Obama" is the new "some of my best friends are black."
I know! So NOT funny.
Some of my best friends are black.
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