For those of you inclined to think it’s just a tad, well, unseemly for a pretty, white, filthy-rich blond gal to cast aspersions on the level to which a black woman raised on the South Side of Chicago is proud of her country, here’s just some of the things that Cindy McCain thinks are super-awesome about America:
- The media never talks about her past drug-addiction, and that time when she used her employees’ identities to steal prescription drugs from her own non-profit organization, and yet Michelle Obama is being pilloried for maybe, but probably not, saying the word “whitey” once.
- Her husband only ever called her a cunt in public that one time, and fortunately, the press never mentions it!
- Her wealth has always insured that the kind of anti-choice laws her husband endorses would never apply to her, anyway.
- Iraq is about to sign a no-bid, Iraqi Congress-averting, oil field development agreement with Exxon Mobil, Shell, Total, and BP, the original members of the Iraq Petroleum Company, which was booted from the country by Saddam Hussein when he nationalized the oil industry in 1972. Isn’t it marvelous? It just makes her feel like a girl again!
- Soulless marriages of convenience are the new black!
Cindy was on the dope, in more ways than one.
Hooked on prescription drugs is just a medical issue, not a real addiction. Just ask Rush...
Sweet jeebus woman, you are brilliant.
Dead on, Vik. Nice work.
She is dead behind the eyes.
Great. I hadn't known half these things before.
She is so fricking hot!
Obviously, she is the final cylon to be revealed.
Phil, that is hilarious. I am so totally stealing that joke.
i might have found a political wife worse than laura bush
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