Why verily, it be these voluminous pantaloons from Urban Outfitters!
I vouchsafe that if thou dost yearn to make thy loins look like two mighty capons that battle within in a burlap sack, then shop no more, I pray you. Thou hast found the shorts that would be thine.
Even the most lean amongst you shall look like a very collosus when adorned with this great cunning swath of fabric.
And at $48, they are too cheap by half. Do not hesitate a moment more, but navigate they way toward this merchant's shining beacon of commerce.
I shall not tarry! To weareth yon breeches I shall be one swag-bellied, tardy-gaited giglet indeed!
Look on the bright side. You can wear depends under those and nobody can see the difference!
Twas cold out er the sun rose yesterday morn. How cold waseth it? Why, twas so cold, I swear mine eye spied a chicken out walking with her capon. Hey Yo!
You just can't have enough capon humor, in my opinion.
No, no Baby. Leave em on.
Those would look great with crocs!
Willst thou vouchsafe for their quality?
Thou didst betray a tone of irony that I like not. I have this very day ordered those pretty pantaloons for they matcheth well my best doublet. If you have any further knavish comments you may direct them to my second who will visit you soon.
Duke Levy
kinda like tit-curtains, these say to me that they are hiding something
They should market them in boulder - only show the model wearing crocs or birkenstocks.
Zounds, they hurt mine eyes.
"Zounds, they hurt mine eyes" as well. But your parody soothes my yearning for mirth.
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