Concerning the price of gasoline, that is.
And yet, the former oilman, and son and friend of other oilmen, as he's assuring the American people that he's really, truly going to take an good, deep look at oil company profits, honestly, he is, he can't resist also taking advantage of the opportunity to suspend provisions of the Clean Air Act.
Wait. That didn't surprise you, did it?
Oh, and also taking a swipe at "boutique fuels," a cleverly-named term for the various grades of fuel required by state and local governments in order to decrease auto emissions.
Here in California, emissions are a problem. I'm pretty sure other people in the world are concerned about it too.
So is our irrational demand for clean air the thing that's driving prices upward? Or could it be this? Or this? Or this?
Thank God the President finally is taking a look into this.
Thanks, Hill. I also have a BushCo calendar, given to me by my friend Alex, and I mark off each month as it ends with a big black X.
It only helps for a microsecond, though.
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