Yesterday I found myself oddly upset and moved by the news of this woman's death. Leave it to the fucking brilliant Cintra Wilson to put her finger on why:
Nothing shows so well how unkind we are, as a society, than the way we report on our falling women. Hollywood has been restless, cruel and itchy, jonesing for a real tragedy. It was getting bored merely humiliating people on "American Idol." Drug-addled Hollywood strumpets like Linsday Lohan, Courtney Love and Nicole Richie have all been on various deathwatch lists for quite some time, and the tabloids have been licking their chops, waiting to be fed a body...
...What needs saying -- what it seems nobody has yet said -- is that when she was able to suppress her demons enough to pull herself together and look her best, she was fabulously gorgeous. Numerous red-carpet moments, the footage of which we now run over and over again like a televised rosary in order to understand her death, reveal this. Anna Nicole was a star because she possessed an unusually large amount of beauty... She was indelicate, but an unstable element nonetheless -- not so much a candle in the wind as a bonfire in a hailstorm. But the real similarity between Anna Nicole and Marilyn was their shimmering tension -- an unsettlingly powerful physical beauty, collapsing irresistibly in real time beneath the frailties of its hostess. She was entropy porn at its finest.Our fascinated gaze was her real addiction -- and the humiliating media tractor pull between our disgust and our attraction for her was, in all likelihood, both her lover and her murderer. Fame, the only chemotherapy available for the desperate toxicity of narcissism, proves once again that it is deadly enough in its own right to be avoided.
I was pretty horrified to find myself crying when I found out. Eh, fuck it. I really liked her! She was fun and will be missed.
It still pissed me off that her death was the first thing on the news...meanwhile in Iraq...
It was pretty freaky that on the front of Yahoo News, it was all "BREAKING NEWS: NICOLE'S DEAD!!!" all surrounded by dark blue.
Is it? Is it "breaking news"?
It's also sad that I was more shocked and moved to tears by an unstable celebrity's death than "U.S. airstrike mistakenly kills five Kurds in Iraq"
Um, I meant "ANNA-Nicole". See? Out of sight, out of mind!
Excellent post. I saw that Salon piece earlier today, and was going to post it and write about it. Now I don't have to.
It is amazing and disgusting, though, how fast all the "news" organizations dropped everything to run breathless coverage of the medical examiner's press conference.
Why couldn't it have been Paris Hilton?!
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