Wonkette comes this story from
Fox News about how Colin Powell's speech about his African heritage at a London African music and arts festival, and his subsequent impromptu "hip hop" dancing onstage at that festival means
he is about to endorse Obama.
I'm skeptical. Now, if Fox News had seen Powell eating fried chicken or watermelon, or smoking Kools, then that would be different.
Good god.
I share your skepticism.
I don't know about any of this. I live in Panama and I know that Colin Powell is Satan.
Colin Powell's certainly worse than Osama bin Laden. Let's tally up the dead. 9/11. For the sake of simplicity 4500 from city of 7,500,000. 6/100ths of 1% of the population.
"General" Colin Powell's Operation "Just Cause I Feel Like Brutalizing People One Shade Browner Than I Am". Simplicity again. 10,000 dead from city of 800,000. 1.25% of the population.
KNOCK ON EFFECTS (9/11) A few cops got coughs. Every cop and fireman in the city got laid every day by a new partner for a year.
KNOCK ON EFFECTS (Operation "Just Cause I Feel Like Brutalizing People One Shade Browner Than I Am") 100,000 homeless.
I obviously can't vote in America. If Colin Powell does whip out his Kools and endorses Obama, I'll quit praising Obama and endorse Cynthia McKinney.
Or maybe the absolute fantasy scenario will happen and Obama will make Powell Ambassador To The Republic Of Panama! And we will all have the joy of seeing him parcel-posted home labelled parts 1-196.
Vete al carajo, Powell...cobarde de mierda.
well bush did a dance in brazil - and nothing could be worse than seeing bush, laura and CONDI! dance
Mmmm, smoking Kools,mmmmmmmm.
That is the whitest black man I've ever seen.
that's some kool mooves, methinks...
kelso's nuts: Hey, let's not compare wounds, okay? Suffice it to say that you could compare any military leader to the devil in that they have been trained to weigh the deaths of civilians against their military objective. Powell's not the devil, though, he has merely sold his soul to him. For one thing, I don't think his involvement in the cover up of the My Lai massacre in Vietnam has ever really been explored by the American press. Powell proved during that conflict that he was the ultimate political team player, and it was somewhat satisfying to me to see that particular chicken finally come home to roost when he got caught holding a bag empty of Iraqi WMDs.
But the responsibility for the Panama War lies squarely at the feet of Bush the Elder and his fear of looking like a "wimp." Bush also set the stage for his son's crimes by having his Justice Dept. declare that we had the right to extradite Noriega by force and against the will of the Panamanian govt. Powell advised against the war, but once committed by Bush, yes, he refused to lose, and damn the consequences to the Panamanian people.
All the more reason to elect Obama. And if Powell does endorse him, and some clueless right-wing douchebag changes his vote because of that endorsement, well then all the better. That's politics, baby. All those Green Party idiots can fill in their useless ballots in every election until we all go up in a huge flaming ball of bullshit, because they can't seem to get one thing through their thick fucking skulls: you don't get to make the country better if you can't fucking win.
I'm not holding my breath. Not yet at least.
No way--he is, as you say in your comment to Kelso, too much the Repug team player. Whether he's got his own White House ambitions or just doesn't want to buck the system, I doubt he'll endorse The Big O.
Now... as for his "impromptu hip-hop dance" -- holy hell, doesn't anyone have video!? I wantz ta see da moves!
Powell is going to endorse Obama. Definitely. Payback for making him scapegoat. Just you wait.
I never doubted that Powell would endorse Obama. I think Powell has figured enough time has gone by that he will now try to shine up his tarnished image.
My only beef is that Fox News can't write about the story without betraying what completely clueless and insensitive hacks they are.
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