I’m going to resist talking about former feminist turned idiot Palin zombie Elaine Lafferty, and instead bring up what not enough people seem to be acknowledging: that McCain’s policy on
The U.N. resolution that governs the operations of
We have negotiated with the Iraqi government an agreement to basically replace that resolution. The agreement will define the terms under which we operate there.
Stay with me. It gets slightly less boring.
BushCo has been so anxious to leave office with an agreement in place, that they have kinda sorta agreed to everything Bush said he would never agree to, mainly that
Yes, it’s a timeline for withdrawal, y’all!
And it smells remarkable similar to the timeline that Obama has proposed.
The fuck?
How many times did Bush pinkie swear to us that he would never agree to a timeline? I think the reasoning was if there was a timeline, then the terrorists could just hide behind some trees until we left. Never mind that if that was their goal, to survive the occupation, then they could’ve simply taken up the tree-hiding strategy at any point in our five-and-a-half-year clusterfuck.
Does anyone ever get the feeling that in spite of their preoccupation with terrorists, BushCo doesn’t really understand what they do? The terrorists in
In other words, a terrorist hiding out until the enemies leave isn’t really, strictly speaking, much of a terrorist.
But it doesn’t really matter that BushCo caved to their every demand like some divorced dad at Chuck E. Cheese. Because the Iraqi government sent the agreement to their parliament, who must approve it for it to become law, and the parliament came back with a big fat DENY.
Yeah, they said no. They want more concessions.
And they’ll probably get them, because the
So, okay, I’m not going to keep going on about that whole mess, but do you understand now that when McCain says that he is going to let conditions on the ground dictate our withdrawal from Iraq, that he might as propose that each American be given a $2500 tax rebate for EVERY MONKEY THAT FLIES OUT OF THEIR ASS? What he’s proposing is impossible! I mean, that whole “conditions on the ground” thing is so 3 years ago. Hello! It’s 2008! We’re negotiating an agreement to bug the fuck out! The Iraqis are going to want to see, oh, SOME FUCKING DATES in the goddamn thing!
What’s the matter, Mr. Maverick? Is Lieberman not whispering sweet foreign policy nothings in your ear anymore? Is that why your grasp of the war in
Great post. Especially this line: "But it doesn’t really matter that BushCo caved to their every demand like some divorced dad at Chuck E. Cheese."
Great post as always, Vik--McCain won't ever get it, though. He'll be mumbling "country first" and "victory with honor" and "Obama's gonna raise your taxes!" until he's dust in the ground.
This is the big "accomplishment" that Bush is going to ride out of Washington?
I find it interesting that Obama's campaign is letting this little jewel stay in the background. They must think they don't need this to win and at the point I believe they are correct. So unless McCain starts to talk about victory (and I always thought victory was that the Iraqi's would thank us and ask us to leave regardless of the politics left behind) we won't hear too much about this.
Conditions have seemed to render W as the forgotten man. He can't speak about the ecomony because he doesn't understand why things when wrong. And even if he did, he just couldn't bring himself to admit that the basic problems were lack of oversight and proper regulations.
No one from his own party wants to have their picture taken with him for use in the their campaign.
He is looking as though he has been spiritually castrated and yearning to go to his ranch and clear some brush. Then finally he can gaze upon his efforts and see something accomplished.
At least McCain will still have a job. And Governor Palin can start thinking about how she will lead the party back to glory with God's help.
I find it interesting that Obama's campaign is letting this little jewel stay in the background. They must think they don't need this to win and at the point I believe they are correct. So unless McCain starts to talk about victory (and I always thought victory was that the Iraqi's would thank us and ask us to leave regardless of the politics left behind) we won't hear too much about this.
Conditions have seemed to render W as the forgotten man. He can't speak about the ecomony because he doesn't understand why things when wrong. And even if he did, he just couldn't bring himself to admit that the basic problems were lack of oversight and proper regulations.
No one from his own party wants to have their picture taken with him for use in the their campaign.
He is looking as though he has been spiritually castrated and yearning to go to his ranch and clear some brush. Then finally he can gaze upon his efforts and see something accomplished.
At least McCain will still have a job. And Governor Palin can start thinking about how she will lead the party back to glory with God's help.
i really enjoyed the similies used in this post
Madame Z: I probably stole it. It sounds like something stolen.
DGuz: Oh, I think he'll get it eventually. It's just that when you believe your campaign staff and they're right, you're brilliant. When you believe them and they're wrong, you're a chump.
Kirby: I don't think he can really build a legacy around the fact that he kept the White House lawn clear of brush.
DadE: Yes, the most depressing thing about this whole election is the near certainty of Palin 2012. Is it wrong to hope I don't live that long?
Kiki: And I applaud your correct usage of the word "similies."
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