The Silverlake musician mafia was in attendance.

"Seersucker, young man? That is SO 2003!"

Also Paula Kelley of Paula Kelley Orchestra and Banquet Hall, and hubby Aaron Tap, who plays with Matt Nathanson and Fantastic Black. You can't even tell they are Yankees here, can you?

I think we are arguing about hats, or something.
Again, my skirt is not really as short as it looks here. Jesus.

And here's a pic of our lovely photographer, (who of course refuses to be photographed in anything other than black and white) Grooveva.
Spooney always looks so dapper.
Looking quite fashionable, both of you!
Looks like a fun day.
My weekend was full of Little League, so I didn't get to indulge in my traditional mint julep during the race.
I used to be able to walk out in the backyard and pick the mint julep that my landlord's ex-wife planted back there years ago. His current wife, after a five year battle, finally succeeded in eradicating this reminder of his ex.
Duh. The "mint." I wish mint juleps were growing back there.
You look awesome in that dress, and Spooney looks amusingly handsome.
I think I saw those guys by the pool in Star Trek, A Piece of the Action
That looked like a blast!
Great pictures! Looks like fun!
Pool party, very nice. The skirt is just fine where it is.
The Musician Mafia aka The Silverlake Syndicate
Could you tell Jenny Lewis that her record got heavy airplay at Grant Miller Media last year.
Jenny Lewis complimented me on my bow tie.
It's nice that someone found Jenny Lewis a pillowcase after she misplaced her dress.
Randy & SkyDad: Yeah, we clean up nice.
Johnny: Hello, Freud?
Kristi: Or Star Trek, The Invasion of Hipster Musicians with Ironic Garb.
Chris & AB: Thanks, it's my one time a year when I get trashed on the brown liquor. And boy oh boy oh boy oh boy do I regret it the next day. But then next year I do it again.
CiscoK: Shhh, my boyfriend is right below you.
Spooney: What? Nothing!
Grant: I never, ever, miss the chance to plug GMM.
Spooney: That's nice, honey.
DeadSp: I think you're just jealous because you don't have the legs to wear that dress.
I look great in a dress, Vikki. In fact, I was just debating whether I could get away with wearing a gladiator toga to an important international scientific conference that just happens to end on Halloween.
That dude in the pants, he does kinda look like that one unelectable guy. And that unelectable guy seems like a lefty and pretty respectable and all. Except he's running for president which requires an element of crazy, too.
Grant, I bet it is him!!!!!
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