Karl Rove is resigning effective August 31.
He is claiming, with a straight face, that he wants to spend more time with his family, that is, his wife and son. The son is in college, so I'm not sure how he's going to swing all that daddy face-time, but ours is not to question why, apparently.
And in the interview during which he declared his intentions, he couldn't resist making the assertion that he was sure Hilary Clinton would be the Democratic presidential nominee.
Because that's exactly what they want, of course.
And I can't help but feel like that's a good reason why Democrats should NOT want it.
Rove "expects the president's approval rating to rise"...? Maybe he's resigning to smoke all that crack he's been buying.
He's inside your head at this point. Don't let that happen.
Also, I hear demand for an MC Rove album is so high that he's going to be in the studio with Timbaland for most of the next year. I believe by the time it drops, there will be a Constitutional amendment demanding that we buy it.
I wish all these Dubya resignees would just come clean and admit they are quitting so they can spend time drinking. Drinking to ease the pain and to erase the memory of the idiocy they witnessed inside the oval office.
I am thinking the Rove is going hoping he won't be as likely to be called before Congress, but I hope it doesn't deter the Democrats. Unchecked he will be at the fore front for whoever, runs against Hilary.
Congrats Vikki, you found the best picture of Rove out of all the blogs I read!
He has a son? What woman in her right mind would spread 'em for that mound of pasty man flesh? If there wasn't a turkey baster and four state lines involved I'll be damned.
I think he's going to start looking for some other 40-watt neocon to cling to like a balding, double-chinned remora.
I agree about Hillary. But I'm not holding my breath anyone else will win.
The biggest rat is the first to abandon the ship nowthat he realizes is about to capsize.
Deadspot: Mitt Romney, anyone?
FYI: I ripped off your schtick today.
Perhaps Rove is counting on a repeat of history. Dems self destructed post-Johnson, and a war that was a terrible mistake continued on, a great opportunity for social and political change was delayed...
we can't let that happen.
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