Not only does she have to live with that hypocritical right-wing asshole, but she has to stand next to him while he makes his bogus protestations that he did not solicit gay sex in a public restroom when he most certainly did.
And everyone who is listening to him is either thinking:
1. If my wife looked like that, I would have anonymous gay sex too, or
2. That woman clearly has not been fucked in a really long time. And that's just not good for a gal.
Me, I lean toward the second. Also, I would totally take her out for a little shoe shopping and girl talk. Later, over margaritas, I would confide in her that I, too, once had a relationship with a closeted homosexual, and how good it felt to finally face the truth. And then, perhaps, if I've had too many margaritas, I might even let a gal know that periwinkle is really not her color.
Are you sure its all right for a wife of a Republican senator to have sex?
Dad: They are allowed missionary position only, and the only for the purposes of child creation.
No fun is allowed!
And hair color that matches your skin is not the best choice either.
You are too kind. I imagine a world where you and she are BFFs.
Dad & SkyDad: Yes, exactly. They are allowed to have sex, although if you are a woman, enjoying it is frowned upon.
Kristi: Tyra Banks is living proof of that.
DrMVM: Well, not BFFs, probably, although I am willing to work as a non-exclusive consultant.
Denial, Denial, Denial.
Want to bet who is next?.....
Who's the dude next to the Senator?
I think I'll have a margarita tonight in her honor.
He did not have sex with that woman.
The periwinkle line is the funniest thing I've read all week.
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