The judge in the Scooter "I'm the only one going to jail? Seriously?" Libby case refused to let Libby remain free pending his appeal. For that motion to have been successful, Libby's attorneys would have had to convince the judge that there were appealable issues. 12 law professors wrote a motion to that effect on behalf of Libby. Judge Walton dismissed it, and referred to it as "not worthy of a first-year law student."
Oh, snap!
Libby's lawyers also tried to assert that the special prosecutor in the case, Patrick "Untouchable" Fitzgerald, had been given too much "independence." Whatever that means.
The judge dismissed that argument as well, reminding the defense that Fitzgerald could have been taken off the case by his bosses in the Justice Department at any time.
So, unless an appeals court throws out the conviction prior to the date when Libby reports for his sentence, the only remaining question is what will Libby wear to his perp walk?
Hopefully, he'll wear nothing - just like Tim Robbins in The Shawshank Redemption.
I hope that when the inevitable guilty verdict comes, he will start squealing like a little piggy and name Cheney in this thing.
"Libby's lawyers also tried to assert that the special prosecutor in the case, Patrick "Untouchable" Fitzgerald, had been given too much "independence." Whatever that means."
Um, isn't Fitzgerald's official title in this case the Independent Counsel?
I sooooo hate these people....
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