A. He is a member of a religion with a long and continuing tradition of misogyny and racism.
B. He changes his political positions in order to poll better among his party's right wing.
C. He once strapped his dog to the top of his car.
Diary of a Hoosier out of her element
We are really screwed...there isn't anyone that you can truly say. "This guy is half decent" Not on the Democratic side or the Republican.
Where is Perot when you could really use a good laugh?
I beg to differ. I think Edwards, Richardson, Obama, and Kucinich, for example, more than qualify as "half decent."
OMG. The dog. Excuse me, the dog can't ride next to his son in the back of the car? What? Can't stand a little dog hair in the vehicle? WTF? There is another solution. Put your dog in a reputable kennel, Jackass. I have the number of a good petsitter... I'm sure there are a few more humane solutions - get a bigger car, how about a camper? Rent an RV. Jesus.
I agree, Bubbles, there's just something wrong with a guy who would think that it's okay to do that.
If this doesn't pull the wheels off of his little campaign wagon, nothing will. What a turd.
Another thing I find troubling about his religion is the level of secrecy. Are there any other major religions that do not allow non-members to see what goes on in their ceremonies? I mean, outside of Scientology. I'm curious.
Chris, I can't think of any others that are so well known. There are actually quite a few interesting parallels between the LDS and Scientology. Both are comparatively modern, and "authored" by Americans, both are very secretive, both require tithing and are extremely wealthy, and both organizations seem to have an enormous chip on their shoulder.
Probably Mormons would be pretty pissed at such a comparison. Probably Scientologists would be as well but would pretend they weren't.
I don't like to condemn a particular religion usually unless I can take a shot at all religions. However, I have been to SLC a few times, and I find the clean cut youth with such earnessness in their eyes filled with conviction of their cause to be downright creepy! I get the same feeling watching Milt Romney. I suggest watching "Big Love" on HBO? to see yet another side of the Morman clan.
Dad, I love the show "Big Love," but it bothers me that bigamy, a practice that is the cause of so much misery and suffering among women, is portrayed in a relatively positive light on that show.
The last one I just can't fathom.. the guy is uber rich and he doesn't have any other options but to strap the family pet to the roof of his car for several hrs during the fam's vacance, wtf.. it's just cruel and really really weird.
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