Friday, October 12, 2007

and take that, haters


Joe said...

Hahahahaha! Yes, my first thought when I woke up this morning and heard this news was that rightwingers will be going hog-biting mad over this.

SkylersDad said...

So - Will he or won't he run?

dguzman said...

Sweet justice, and rewards for hard work well done. Perhaps the world really IS still a good place, and it's just the US that sucks green donkey dick?

I'm wondering if he'll be pressured or even inspired to run. But at the same time, what about Hillary and her "textbook campaign" everyone keeps talking about? Can he come in at this point, or would he completely piss off the Hillary/Bill backers?

Moderator said...

Touched by an angel?

Moderator said...

I haven't checked - don't really need to - but I assume the right is all upset about this. But don't they always say complain about the Nobel Prize winners? Except for Milton Friedman.

Anonymous said...

My boss was "disgusted" by this news, and mocked Gore from his office, whining, "Ohhh, the planet has a FEVER."

To which I replied, "And what's YOUR boy done lately?"

Natch, he had no good answer.

vikkitikkitavi said...

Bubs & Grant: I checked briefly to see if the wingnuts were incensed. They are. But what else can you expect, according to them, from the "liberal" Nobel committee who gave a Peace Prize to "terrorist" Yassar Arafat and to "placater-in-chief" Jimmy Carter?

For those guys, I don't thing there is such a thing as context at all. Every action is judged by their petty concerns right that moment. I would hate to have them as history students.

SkyDad & dGuz: He won't run. He absolutely won't. For the first time in his life, he can make a difference without the media calling him a liar every day. Why on earth would he give up his life now and go back to the abuse he took as a politician?

Lisa: You work for a Republican? Ugh. My boss is a rich, stiff-necked, extremely literal-minded German man with the softest hands I've ever felt, but he's got the good sense to be a Democrat.

GETkristiLOVE said...

The point is not to upset the right-wingers, but to acknowledge a man for a great job he's done. If that puts the Republican's panties in a bunch, than that's just a bonus.

deadspot said...

Remind me to thank Ralph Nader the next time I see him.