It’s really weird to see the recent unqualified support for
Several thousand Evangelicals are in
Seriously, though, Sukkot, like a few other Jewish holidays, is a remembrance of the hardships suffered in the past, and an opportunity to give thanks for present blessings. It’s sort of like the
I’m talking about Native Americans, of course. Who did you think I was talking about?
According to this NPR story, while many Israelis welcome the support of the way-Christian pilgrims, some rabbis and officials are warning citizens against participating in any Evangelical-type events:
The fervor of these evangelicals worries many Israelis. Mina Fenton, a
"Everything is linked with the belief in their messiah," she says. "They want, ultimately, any one of them, when you speak more than 10 minutes — after the political support and the economic support — they say what their aim is: The Jewish people have to convert."
Über-Christians aren’t the only ones who require conversion as the price of paradise, of course, and the Jews aren't their only targets, either, so I urge the Israelis not to take it personally. The god types have let me know more than once that when the Rapture comes, I and all my godless/gay/sexy/substance abusing/generally naughty friends will be hanging in the hot tub of eternal hellfire, while they will be enjoying the company of God himself, in a heaven that is as restricted as the Augusta National Golf Club during the Eisenhower administration.
But despair not. Because I say, let ‘em have it. Who the hell wants to live in a place that, anyway?
First of all, the music would suck. Seriously, have you ever heard Christian rock? It’s a lot like Nickelback, only without the amazing musicianship, thought-provoking themes, and timeless compositions. Plus, they only ever sing about God and Jesus. If they were to ever sing one line of any song that wasn’t about how much they love God and/or Jesus, their entire audience would wake from their worship-The-Almighty-induced trance, and start yelling at the stage “Hey, you’re not singing about God or Jesus! Stop that at once! I demand only God or Jesus-related content, please.”
Secondly, need I say that the only sex you would be having up there is of the I’d-rather-be-watching-Dancing-with-the-Stars variety?
Thirdly, no booze or drugs allowed. Some of you out there would be cool with this stipulation, others of you…um, not so much. And far be it for me to judge anyone on this count, especially since the last time I drank too much was…last night.
Hey, it was Top Chef finale night.
Fourthly, I don’t know how many of you have eaten with Evangelical types, but the food they serve is just awful. Sure it’s all mayonnaise-, jello-, or mayonnaise AND jello-based, but that’s not even the worst of it. It’s all bland as hell. Look, I once took some potato salad to a family reunion, and all I heard about all day long was how “spicy” it was. “Lord, this is so spicy!” they observed as they fanned their tongues with their reunion programs. “My goodness, does everyone in the big city eat such spicy food?” they all said as their eyes watered, and they all reached for their jumbo glasses of fucking awful sweet-ass iced tea.
What did I put in the potato salad, you ask, that caused such physical discomfort?
Garlic salt. A teeny tiny, itty bitty pinch of garlic salt.
That’s a true story.
Mostly. But back to my point, which is that their heaven would suck, and they can have it. If the price of margaritas and Kung Pao and hot, unmarried sex with my Spooney while listening to Interpol’s fucking rad new album is that I have to spend all eternity not regretting that I did it any other way, then sign me up, bubba. Sign me the fuck up.
"...and hot, unmarried sex with my Spooney"
That lucky bugger.
I don't believe in heaven or hell, so bring on the Kung Pao and the gin and tonics and whatever the feck music you want. I'm right there with ya.
I'll pray for you Vikki...
that is, next time you have to go to a reunion!
...and why do we always like to do it doggy style? So we can both watch Top Chef!
So what's you and Spooneys "safety phrase"?
Come on, you can tell us...
Sign me up too but tell Spooney I'm not having sex with him. Well on second thought, I'll keep my options open.
God bless!
The "South Park" where Cartman forms a Christian rock band is priceless. It should be in the Smithsonian.
What?! Interpol has a new album out? To the Justice-mobile!
Randy: Nobody said anything about bugger, buddy.
DGuz: Mmmm...gin & tonic...now THAT'S a little slice of heaven!
Bubbles: Yeah, well, I think I might be banished from the reunions. But that's a post for another time.
Spooney: (insert joke about Hung's monkey)
SkyDad: If you need a "safety phrase," you ain't doing it right.
Dr. MVM: Don't knock it until you've tried it.
Grant: The Smithsonian? Where they keep Carol Burnett's dress from the Scarlett O'Hara sketch? Wow, I'll have to check it out!
Kirby: Seriously, baby, are you living under a rock or what? You need to stop camping so much, all that nature is warping your sense of priorities.
as a member of the tribe
we dont want these people
Now I'm going to have nightmares about the reception of your potato salad. Those people can't eat anything unless it's bland an mayonnaise-soaked-for-days.
Heaven is for losers, and we don't want them in our club anyway. Nyah!
"...the Jewish festival of al fresco dining."
You are killing me with your dry wit.
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