What is it about Richie that Muslims love? I mean besides the infectious beat of mega-hits like "Dancin' on the Ceiling"?
Richie says: "The answer is, I'm huge, huge in the Arab world. The answer as to why is, I don't have the slightest idea."
I have a theory.
And it involves my study of ancient Egyptian art.
Stay with me. I know that ancient Egyptians were not Muslims. I think they worshiped kitties and, like a dog or something. Oh, and the sun. But anyway, there is a thread here, so hang on.
When I attended college, in the 80's, Richie was everywhere. You couldn't swing a dead cat without hitting that goddamn "All Night Long" video, for instance.
And one afternoon, during a slide lecture on ancient Egyptian statuary, I made an amazing discovery.
Lionel Richie bears a remarkable resemblance to 18th dynasty pharoah Akhenaten.

Not only that, but just like Richie in the 80s, Akhenaten was everywhere in the 18th dynasty, mostly because he would take the heads off of statues of previous pharoahs, and put his own head on instead.
Ringing a bell?

You're welcome.
That just made my friday :)
That's just funny.
Holy Snikeys, Batman! You are a super-intelligent chick!
Holy shit. You are spot on.
My wife feels Scottie Pippen looks like Akhenaten. I think my wife digs Scottie Pippen. And not in an archeological kind of way.
Spooney: TGIF, baby.
Chris: Terrorists win. Gotcha.
GKR: Just?
Yellow: It took you two whole days to figure that out?
Grant: Ah, many's the night I spent in the bars of Chicago trying to peddle my Scottie-Pippen-as-18th-dynasty-pharoah-Akhenaten theory. I feel her pain. But not in a empath kind of way.
I see your mushroom crop came up.
I always thought that the bust the blind woman was making in the "Hello" video looked more like blacksploitation star Fred "The Hammer" Williamson than Lionel Richie...
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