Ooooh, look at Colin Powell, disagreeing with BushCo. Could've used you at the UN, buddy.
Powell wrote a letter to Senator McCain (oooh, look at Senator McCain, being "maverick" again!) in opposition to BushCo's plan to establish military tribunals to try "terrorists." Note that the administration's proposed legislation would not allow the accused to see the evidence against him, if the government decides it is "secret." It would also allow for evidence obtained by the...how you say...the "persuasive interrogation."
Anyway, here's an excerpt from Powell's big snit:
"The world is beginning to doubt the moral basis of our fight against terrorism. To redefine Common Article 3 would add to those doubts. Furthermore, it would put our own troops at risk."
Yeah, it's pretty ball-less, huh? The world is BEGINNING to doubt? Please. Tell me Colin, I don't think you're stupid, so are you still on the BushCo payroll, or do they have your useless piece of shit son tied up in basement somewhere?
Gran would be proud of Colin today.
Was Gran a big Colin Powell fan?
Yes, there's a picture of her and Vern with him on one of those trips they took to commemorate D-day that she showed me.
Gran said she wish she could have her vote back for W, but she loved Colin. She said he was charming.
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