At left, Linda McCartney's famous picture of her husband Paul and daughter Mary. The picture was the back cover to Paul's first solo album after the Beatles broke up.
At right, Annie Liebovitz proves once again that she is just plumb out of ideas when it comes to the whole celebrity picture thing.
Is that a wig on the baby?
Yeah, I know. That kid's like 2 months old & he could be in The Ramones with that hair.
Have you noticed that VF veers from being a decent magazine with insightful articles to being a celebrity rag every other month? I haven't even gotten it in the mail yet and I'm ready to throw it out.
Kristi: It's hair plugs. She's getting braces next week. Hey, it's never too early to improve your image.
Spooney: Um, you mean SHE?
Grant: I have noticed that. They do these awesome investigative pieces that NO ONE else is doing, and yet then the next issue is all about Hilary Swank finking out Chad Lowe and whatever bitchy queen is currently feuding with Graydon Carter.
Another satisfied customer of Nelson’s Baby Toupees
I thought I'd be a music pop-culture, Photo geek tool if I said this very same thing!! Thank you for validating me.
annie leibovitz has only had one ephiphany... and that was when she traveled with the stones. all her other stuff has been lifted from other photographers. she also has all her assistants take the photos and print them up. all she does is set up the scene. she's merely an art director, and a bad one.
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