Ladies and germs, I am proud to announce that your very own beloved blog, Bells On, has won the 2006 Drysdale Award for "Least Influential Political Blog."
I want to thank Grant Miller - officially, and the Academy, and Jesus Christ, of course. The lord is always in my house, y'all. Whoop. Whoop. Also I would like to thank my little shithole of a Hoosier hometown, and all the assclowns and dicktards I encountered there until I was 18 and could get the fuck out of that goddamn place. Your intolerance, stupidity, and unfailing narrow-mindedness in the face of overwhelming proof of being wrongity-wrong-wrong will always be an inspiration to me. I would also like to thank my parents, and those one or two cool teachers I had, who proved to me that you could always roll your eyes, say something sarcastic, and soldier on.
I love you all!
Growing up in Pennsyltuckey wasn't any different. Living through that sucked at the time, but it does make you appreciate L.A.
You forgot to mention all the little people, your minions, that you had to stomp over on your climb to the top!
Oh, and never leave out the key grip, they get testy if you don't give them a shout...
Okay, now is your time to go wild. I'm going to be very disappointed if I don't see you in the tabloids.
We'll bust open the Champagne when you gets home.
Congratulations. It was a hard fight, but you came through.
Wait a minute - this is a political blog??
Randy: Everything makes you appreciate LA. Oddly enough, everything also makes you hate LA.
SkyDad: I don't have any minions. I need to get some, though. And fuck those key grips. My lighting recently has been for shit.
JohnnyY: The last time I tried to go wild, I couldn't get past the velvet rope. And no one cares if your cooch shows while you're waiting in line outside club LAX.
Spooney: Did you remember to put it in the fridge? Because I didn't.
Grant: And I didn't even bribe you at all.
Larry: Now you know why it's the least influential.
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