She does not act feral and is completely socialized to humans. She prefers to hang out balanced on my shoulder and purr in my ear, rather than in the carboard box with the comfy towel. She is 4 weeks old but knows how to eat wet food and pee in a box.
My email address is in my profile. If you are in the LA area and can help, drop me a line.
C'mon- you know Banana wants a little sister!
I suggest that this alleged 'bird' dog, is in fact a 'kitten' dog. ... I hope that helps.
What a cutie! I'd say it's some kind of Festivus Miracle that you two found each other.
I thought it was Spooneys job to hang out on your shoulder and purr in your ear?
Randy: The Banana has two big sisters and a big brother. That's enough, goddammit.
MJoe: Thanks, but no, that doesn't help at all.
Chris: If only my family celebrated Festivus! The airing of grievances alone could take weeks...
SkyDad: He's not THAT short, dude.
Good thing I don't live in L.A. because that face is irresistible.
BTW, I think bro needs some more cats. He's down a few. Sneak her on the plane!
Bring her.
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