It's gone in and out of style several times since those days, but it was always there, like an pale, mellow old friend. A friend who doesn't shout for your attention, but rather, hangs out, waiting for you to re-discover how good its company is. And I loved that about Rolling Rock.
When Anheuser-Busch bought up the brewery and shut down the Latrobe, PA bottling plant, I vowed to never drink it again.
And I've stayed true to my promise. No problem.
But it's not enough that A-B killed the integrity of Rolling Rock, now they're dragging its corpse through the streets and pissing on it.
You're gonna hate me, but I kinda like the Beer Ape, with his green diaper & green flying "V" guitar.
Yeah I know, I'm a sell-out.
Honey, ew.
So predictable in its lowbrow, but ironic stance: It's an animal mascot, see, but it's also COMMENTING on animal mascots, get it?
Makes me wanna puke.
Why does that commercial look like an SNL skit? Is it a joke?
And if it's not a joke, why does it look like an ad campaign from 1987?
I was going to point out the same thing as Grant. Um, it's like they took that "Bud Gay" sketch and threw in a monkey. It's almost exactly the same thing (sans the gay). I wondered if it was a joke, too.
Like I said, they want it both ways. They want the stupid animal mascot, and yet they want to be above it at the same time.
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