See, I looked through over 6 pages of Google Images search results until I found a picture of a birthday cake with a guitar on it. Because you play guitar.
Get it?
No, I don't know who the guy is. But if I had Photoshop, I would've tried to put a picture of your face over his.
That's how much I love you baby.
Even though, at 4 years younger than me, you are really fucking old.
Happy Birthday, Spooney!
Well thanks, baby...and yes I am really fucking old.
Wait. I don't get it.
Am I gonna hafta start bringing Depends to band practice?
Oooops I Crapped My Pants helps me make it through an entire set without a bathroom break!
Are you celebrating by going to Furrs for the early bird special?
Happy Birthday Spooney!
Happy Birthday Spooney. When are you going to be my brother-in-law?
Sorry, had to get back at Vikki somehow.
I'm sure that Spooney was touched by your birthday greetings, everyone.
Especially Grant's.
Thanks everybody! Vikki took me out for an awesome dinner last night. Awesome wine, awesome food, wicked good cheese!
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