Friday, September 01, 2006

Rummy says "Thank you ma'am, may I have another?"

Apparently our Secretary of Defense is a glutton for punishment.


IN THE LAST FEW DAYS I have had the opportunity to speak at the annual conventions of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American Legion. It is always a humbling experience to be in the presence of those who have served and fought for our country during some of our darkest, most trying times — when it was unclear whether our way of life would prevail.
Even more humbling when you consider that Rumsfeld spent the Korean War in ROTC at Princeton.

We are again engaged in conflicts that are testing whether we believe that the defense of liberty is worth the cost. And again, there are those who disagree with the mission, who question whether it is worth the sacrifice. This is to be expected in a time of war.

I just want to point out that he’s cribbing from the Gettysburg Address a bit here. Nice try, Rummy.

Today, some think that World War II and the Cold War were black-and- white affairs: good versus evil. But there were always those who thought that we should retreat within our borders.

Yeah, and they were Republican.

In speaking to our veterans, I suggested several questions to guide us during this struggle against violent extremists:• With the growing lethality and availability of weapons, can we truly afford to believe that vicious extremists can somehow be appeased?
So we’re NOT trying to come to some sort of peace with them? Because, in a war, you either have to come to a truce with your enemy, or kill them.

Our goal then is to kill ALL of them?


• Can we really continue to think that free countries can negotiate a separate peace with terrorists?

Okay, I guess he really does plan to kill every terrorist, then.

• Can we truly afford to pretend that the threats today are simply "law enforcement" problems rather than fundamentally different threats requiring fundamentally different approaches?

What approaches? Invade Iraq? Because that has worked out so well.

• Can we truly afford to return to the destructive view that America — not the enemy — is the real source of the world's troubles?

It’s such an intelligent approach to assume every problem cannot be due, even a little bit, to your own actions.

These are the central questions of our time, and, as in all periods of conflict, we have no choice but to face them honestly.

Unless you work for Fox News.

The last question is particularly important, because this is the first war of the 21st century — a war that, to a great extent, will be fought in the media on a global stage. We cannot allow the terrorists' lies and myths to be repeated without question or challenge.

I’m not sure who you think is advocating the non-challenging of terrorist myths and lies, Rummy, but it’s no one in this country, no matter how many times you assert otherwise.

We also should be aware that the struggle is too important — the consequences too severe — to allow a "blame America first" mentality to overwhelm the truth that our nation, though imperfect, is a force for good in the world.
Notice the use of their 2006 election mantra: the “blame American first” crowd and how much they hate America. Remember, the Bush administration is opposed to the Blame Game.

Consider that a database search of the nation's leading newspapers turns up 10 times as many mentions of one of the soldiers punished for misconduct at Abu Ghraib than of Sgt. 1st Class Paul Ray Smith, the first recipient of the Medal of Honor in the global war on terror.
It’s not my fault if the giving out of medals has been cheapened.
Then there is the case of Amnesty International, a long-respected human-rights organization, which called the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay the "gulag of our times" — a reference to the vast system of Soviet prisons and labor camps where innocent citizens were starved, tortured and murdered. The facility at Guantanamo Bay, by contrast, includes a volleyball court, basketball court, soccer field and library (the book most requested is "Harry Potter"). The food, served in accordance with Islamic diets, costs more per detainee than the average U.S. military ration.
And you’ll have plenty of time to finish Harry Potter, since you’ll be held for years without counsel. When you’re not being waterboarded, that is.
With examples like these prevalent in the world media, I do worry about the lack of perspective in our national dialogue — a perspective on history and the new challenges and threats that free people face today. Those who know the truth need to speak out against the myths and distortions being told about our troops and our country. My remarks at the Veterans of Foreign Wars and American Legion conventions have generated much discussion. I encourage everyone to read what I actually said at
I encourage it, too. Because if you actually do go and read the speeches, then you’ll see right fucking through Rummy’s pathetic little attempt to make you believe his words are somehow being misrepresented.


Moderator said...

That dude has the biggest balls ever.

Megan said...

GOD! And he did that whole freedom thing too! I fucking HATE that! And to suggest that it's us not him who lacks a perspective on history?! That man is working on some seriously bad karma.

vikkitikkitavi said...

Grant: Dude, there's a squirrel in my yard right now with bigger balls.

Megan: And who are the obstinant pea-brains who are still falling for this?

Anonymous said...

People who didn't get a good education, that's who!