Thursday, May 11, 2006

Why lefties should care about the dismantling of the CIA

Excellent story by Blumenthal at Salon (free day pass requires sign-in):

The militarization of intelligence under Bush is likely to guarantee military solutions above other options. Uniformed officers trained to identity military threats and trends will take over economic and political intelligence for which they are untrained and often incapable, and their priorities will skew analysis. But the bias toward the military option will be one that the military in the end will dislike. It will find itself increasingly bearing the brunt of foreign policy and stretched beyond endurance. The vicious cycle leads to a downward spiral. And Hayden's story will be like a dull shadow of Powell's -- a tale of a "good soldier" who salutes, gets promoted, is used and abused, and is finally discarded.

No president has ever before ruined an agency at the heart of national security out of pique and vengeance. The manipulation of intelligence by political leadership demands ever tightened control. But political purges provide only temporary relief from the widening crisis of policy failure.


RandyLuvsPaiste said...

"The militarization of intelligence under Bush is likely to guarantee military solutions above other options."
An excellent point I hadn't considered. If you only have a hammer, then everything becomes a nail.

vikkitikkitavi said...


Moderator said...

50/50 Hayden doesn't get approved. Everybody is pissed now.

vikkitikkitavi said...

Especially with the whole phone records thing. It don't look good for him.

Devang said...

...but, what if our government had those hammers that can remove nails as well?