Well, buddy, where I come from, it makes a big difference. Courtesy makes a big difference.
And so, big line-cuttin' man, in order to mitigate my feelings of helplessness and annoyance on that day, I hereby post a picture of you and your girlfriend with the unfortunate shorts on my blog, and I invite all my readers to heap scorn and ridicule upon you both:

Go ahead, readers. I'll get it started: Nice shorts.
Hey, there's a coupla whales right there! Imagine the luck.
Good lord, I hope these people don't breed.
Back in them there hills, where I come from, we call that "Hail Damage"...
To Quote Marlon Brando, "The horror, the horror"
"Hail damage"? Please explain.
Her legs look a bit like she might've, um, left them out in a hail storm.
Ah, ze cottage cheese thighs!
Hey, which is fine. Lord knows I've got no room to talk. But COVER THAT SHIT UP, GIRL.
That is one sweet-ass picture. Exactly what I needed right now. Definitely downloading that for future "use."
The Greeks had a word for it: OOF.
I've seen better thighs in a "family-sized" KFC bucket.
And I say this knowing full well that backs of MY OWN legs look like AAA road maps.
Which is precisely why I NEVER wear shorts.
"Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?"
Dad: I'm not sure I entirely get the McCarthy reference, but I love you for making it.
OGM: I have another pic with a sweet angle on the guy's beer gut. Let me know if you need that, too.
Lisa: Right on, sister. NOTHING above the knee unless I'm in my backyard.
"I've seen better thighs in a "family-sized" KFC bucket"
Best line of the month award goes to Lisa!!
And the hail damage remark refers to the dimple marks/uneven surface
People with fat asses should NOT wear white shorts. Take it from an expert.
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