Monday, December 18, 2006

Slowly whittling down that reader base one smug, supercilious post at a time

Y'all know how I feel about being a vegetarian. Shut the fuck up is how I feel.

But it turns out that the defensiveness of meateaters is totally justified. Because we vegetarians don't just ACT superior, we ARE superior.

(thanks to all the self-satisfied vegetarians who sent me this one)


Some Guy said...

Hay! Jest becuz I eet meet don't meen I dum! Youz thuh dum wun, dumy!

BTW, you're gonna have to try harder than that to alienate this "Bells On" fan. Come on! Show me whatcha got!

RandyLuvsPaiste said...

OK, yes, I was guilty of this, and every veggie I emailed that article to said that they'd already seen it. So shoot me, OK? Just don't eat me too.

vikkitikkitavi said...

Chris: Oh, honey. You shouldn't bait me like that. Not with that hair.

Randy: No sweat. Overcompensation goes with the territory.

SkylersDad said...

Lower cholesterol, reduced risk of obesity and heart disease, higher IQ, and *still* you smoke?

Is this a right brain, left brain thing?

vikkitikkitavi said...

No, it's a "I love it and leave me alone" thing.

Moderator said...

I saw that last week and was going to do something with it. But I didn't. I'm glad someone, another vegetarian, did.

Vertabrett said...

I missed this last month, so I'm glad I checked in here. Time to see how many of my veggie friends already knew this. I'm 90%+ vegetarian. I love it and leave me alone! Thanks.