Hey guys, thanks for the emails and stuff. I am back in LA, and yes, I had a great holiday.
So, where did I go for Xmas, anyway?
So, where did I go for Xmas, anyway?

New York?Paris?


No, baby, I was in Vegas.

And you know what they say about Vegas.

stays in Vegas.
Ho, boy.
Don't tell Spooney.
Anyway, Happy New Year, y'all.
I have all of these DVDs that I got for Christmas, and what am I gonna do now that I've read this?
Watch "Showgirls." For, like, the eleventy billionth time.
That's right. I said it.
Is Vegas really still standing after having the sisters there partying it up?!?!
First of all, "Showgirls" totally fucking RULES! Most unintentionally hilarious film of all time!
And I cannot tell whether Vegas was still standing when I left, as I make it a habit never to look in the rear view mirror when I roll out of a town.
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