For that reason, I am simply devastated by the split of Carmen Electra and Dave Navarro.

Condolences, you crazy kids. The red carpet hasn't been this sad since Li'l Kim checked into the graybar hotel.
Diary of a Hoosier out of her element
Condolences, you crazy kids. The red carpet hasn't been this sad since Li'l Kim checked into the graybar hotel.
Poor kids, just couldn't keep the magic going ...
"I was watching an HBO special the other night on real-life maximum-security-prison guys. I glanced up, and my poster was in quite a few cells. I was screaming 'Oh, no!'" -Carmen Electra
They were so toolishly skanky together. Such a perfect match.
I had a comment, but my word verification is
and I just think that's awesome.
Mine is jzzys
Sounds sort of viscous or something.
YoSCM: And yet she didn't take that as a sign...
Spooney: What? No comment about the whole equal skeeviness theory?
SJ: Be careful. Homeland Security may be monitoring your reaction to war-on-terror-related words.
Jess: Get jzzys with it.
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