It is a little known fact that the Klingons aided the Confederacy during the war and would've been victorious had the Romulans not interfered and given the Union their cloaking device.
Diary of a Hoosier out of her element
It is a little known fact that the Klingons aided the Confederacy during the war and would've been victorious had the Romulans not interfered and given the Union their cloaking device.
hey thanks for the linkage! fyi we're planning to have the klingon out at another event in the next few months, should be equally ridiculous. cool blog by the way! great Bush stuff!
You're welcome and thank you. I cannot wait to see what the Klingon will do next.
Trekkies and Civil War geeks. It's so fucking brilliant that my admiration for you is only tempered by my jealous spleen of not having thought of it myself.
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