Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Last night while watching tv, I was inundated with commercials for this product:

What is it? It's cheese, pre-crumbled into little pieces for your convenience!

I say Crumbles ranks as one of the most annoying products ever, and not just because they reworked that insipid EMF pop song "You're Unbelievable" into their jingle: They're crumbelievable!

Although Christ knows that's bad enough.

I object to Crumbles for one reason, and one reason only: who the fuck are these people who are too lazy to crumble their own damn cheese???


Anonymous said...

"and not just because they reworked that insipid EMF pop song "You're Unbelievable" into their jingle: They're crumbelievable!"

yeah, they just beat out Preparation H, who were going use that song "It's bumbelievable!"

true story

Moderator said...

I heard that commercial a couple days ago. I'm surprised that song wasn't used in an ad sooner. Perhaps EMF are more punk rock than I expected held out for the right opportunity.