It has come to my attention (several times, quite abruptly and alarmingly) that LA drivers, poor dears, have never been taught the rules governing the 4-way stop. Here they are, from the horse's mouth, and in fairly straightforward language:
Notice that it doesn't say anything about what make of car you drive. This is not an oversight on the part of the DMV.Yield to the car that arrives first, or to the car on your right if it reaches the intersection at the same time as you do.
Under California law, BMWs, Mercedes, Audis, Hummers, and Eddie Bauer Edition Land Rovers are subject to the same right-of-way rules as, say, a 1986 Toyota Corolla with a primer-colored quarter panel. And yes, the preceding statement also applies to models still carrying their dealer plates.
The confusion of CA drivers is understandable, as every other situation one is likely to encounter in one's automobile (valeting, tailgating, lane changing, two-spot parking, multiple-point mid-street turn toleration) is most definitely subject to the rules of relative vehicular value.
And yet, the state of Calfornia makes no official distinction between a BMW M3 coupe and an M5 sedan.
No, it's not fair. But it's the law.
I've adopted Dad's rule to the four way stop: "If the other drivers looks weak, or hesitant, I get to go first."
I agree with getkristilove's dad's rule. I wish getkristilove's dad was my dad.
I just don't understand the rule, it's so complicated...
signed: driving down the passing lane at 40 with my turn signal on
"I am so proud"
GKristiL: I don't know if I'd go that far, but I agree that you have about, say, 5 seconds to act on your right of way before you lose it.
Grant: He's my dad too. Jealous?
YSCM: Dude, was that you on the 405 this morning?
Dad: Come on, don't make me call you on misuse of quote marks.
Having worked on an ambulance for many years I can tell you the "no fear" thing doesn't always work.
Now there are additional rules for the 4 ways stop, based upon the type of vehicle. "If an ambulance running red lights pulls up simultaneously with a cop and a US Post OFfice vehicle, who has the right away". The answer as we teach is, first the cop (law enforcement) then teh USPost (Government) and then the ambulance. Red lights as it turns out don't mean we have the right away, in fact a civilain vehicle that arrived at the four way stop before us may choose to not yield teh right of way.
Having worked on an ambulance for many years I can tell you the "no fear" thing doesn't always work.
Now there are additional rules for the 4 ways stop, based upon the type of vehicle. "If an ambulance running red lights pulls up simultaneously with a cop and a US Post OFfice vehicle, who has the right of way?". The answer as we teach is, first the cop (law enforcement) then thr USPost (Government) and then the ambulance. Red lights as it turns out don't mean we have the right away, in fact a civilain vehicle that arrived at the four way stop before us may choose to not yield the right of way.
We also watched to make sure that one of the people at the stop wasn't my Dad (we carry his picture on our dashboards and we are 5 states away)
I have known mature ambulance drivers to abandon their rig in tears, cryuing out in shame and fear, "it was your dad, he looked for fear and found it!" Then there was the inevitable followup "and who was that hot chick that ran the stop right afterwards?".
I dislike stateless blog sumbission technologies...
Bro: I agree, it is never wise to encounter Dad on any type of roadway.
I should post his picture on my blog so my readers can be warned as well.
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