Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Harris So Creepy Even FL GOP Couldn't Stomach Supporting Her

Poor Katherine Harris. It turns out Democrats aren't the only ones Harris is giving the willies to.

The GOP needs to watch their ass around that bitch. You do not want to force her into a corner and make her feel like she's got nothing to lose.

Because I betcha she knows where all the 2000 Election skeletons are buried. I mean, how else does someone like her get the backing to get to the House in the first place?


RandyLuvsPaiste said...

"The GOP needs to watch their ass around that bitch. You do not want to force her into a corner and make her feel like she's got nothing to lose."

Vikki- Stop giving good advice to bad people.

“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”- Napoleon Bonaparte

vikkitikkitavi said...

It's alright, Randy, the enemy doesn't read this blog. Watch:

Republicans? Neocons? Yoo hoooo! Anyone out there?

I've got a free jar of mayonaise and a hot stock tip for any conservatives out there!

See? Nothing.