It's more than just his vote on the Iraq war that has angered Conneticut voters, but you wouldn't know that from listening to just about any news story on Lieberman's Senate race.
And it's a little puzzling that his opponent, Lamont, is being portrayed as being "in the left wing" while Lieberman is "in the center" when it is Lieberman's support of the war that departs from the majority viewpoint.
I'm also getting tired of this talking point that "Joe Lieberman has 30 years of experience in Congress, so that's why he should be reelected." Huh? So the longer someone is in elected office, the less they should have to explain why they deserve reelection? Sounds strange to me, but I'm one of those "stoned slackers" that gets their news from The Daily Show and internet blogs, so what do I know?
It's TOTALLY not just the war in Iraq. My god, he's had his head up Bush's ass since Gore was ousted. I remember thinking at one point, 'how can he call himself a Democrat any longer?'
I honestly can't think of a single example because they've all left me FURIOUS, thus, I block them from my memory. But I'm sure I could google a few if I had the inclination. (Don't. I can't bring that fury back. I just can't.)
I'm so tired of centrist Dems. Please, bring on the left-wingers!
Not that Lieberman's actually centrist. Or a Dem.
Chris: I know, Lieberman sounds like he's actually "put out" by having to run. He's all like "Seriously? I have to explain why I voted that way? To who?"
SJ: I'll give you one - the NSA wiretapping thing. Oh, and the Alito thing, oh, and censuring Clinton was okay, but Bush - it would be "distracting."
Megan: More than that, I'm tired of dunderheaded stories of "centrist Dems."
The VP debate between Chaney (the dark lord at the time) and Lieberman showed how weak a politian Lieberman was. Joe also wanted to impose censureship on Hollywood. Beware of the self-righteous.
Did you see the bush beat box on you tube? BRILLIANT!
Anon: Lieberman the Clinton scold was a horrible choice, part of the even worse "distance ourselves from Clinton" strategy.
MJ: I can't believe you make a comment like that without A LINK.
What's wrong with you?
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